The Canisius College Records Retention Policy covers archival records. These are non-current or inactive documents of permanent historic significance. Archival records are retained and preserved indefinitely in The Rev. J. Clayton Murray, S.J. Archives and Special Collections located in the ALB Library.
Before you begin to dispose or shred any records from your department, program, special projects or events, it’s important to review them for historic value. Click this link for guidelines and information about materials considered to have permanent historic value for the college archives.
It’s important to realize that both electronic and print formats can be retained for permanent historic value. Among inactive records most frequently overlooked for permanent retention and historic value are correspondence, both conventional and electronic, and marketing or promotional materials, including catalogs. These capture the essence of an institution at a specific time in its history and can provide information and data that may not be noted anywhere else or easily accessible.
Canisius College has a proud history. Yet, without the forethought of those who taught, worked and studied here over the past 147 years, we wouldn’t be able to share it or our traditions. Be a part of Canisius history by making it and caring for it through document retention.
If you’re in doubt about the historic value of specific documents or records, contact the college archivist, Kathleen DeLaney at Ext. 8421 or
Submitted by: Kathleen DeLaney, librarian, archives and special collections