Spotlight on Faculty Scholarship

FS-Russell-spotlightMore than 30 million people participate in hunting and/or fishing in the United States annually, contributing billions of dollars each year to wildlife conservation. These statistics only include participants age 16 or older, but a large number of children and teenagers under the age of 16 are either directly participating in these activities or are present with parents, siblings, etc. who engage in wildlife recreation. These experiences can be formative events in children’s learning about non-human animals, nature and human-wildlife relationships.

FS-Russell extra pictureJoshua Russell, PhD, assistant professor of animal behavior, ecology, and conservation and his undergraduate research team are currently investigating children’s direct experiences of such activities through various phenomenological and ethnographic methods. In particular, they are interested in how children describe and make meaning out of these experiences that involve capturing and/or killing non-human animals, often in very particular social and ecological contexts.

The Culture and Animals Foundation recently awarded Dr. Russell a grant that will support his team’s ongoing data collection and analysis. The team conducts and analyzes interviews with children and teenagers, ages eight-16. This summer, they will also engage in participant observation of fishing at local events and locations throughout Western New York. In addition, the researchers look at social media, literature, children’s writing and educational materials in their qualitative analyses to understand the various locations where children encounter ideas about hunting or fishing.

If you know someone who is interested in participating in this research, which includes a $25 gift card, please contact Dr. Russell at

Submitted by: Sara Morris, PhD, associate vice president, academic affairs

Michelangelo’s Pietà Now and Then Tonight

PietaFlyer2-copyPlease join the Fine Arts Department faculty, staff and students today, April 12 as they welcome Professor Emerita Martha Levine Dunkelman back to Canisius College. Professor Dunkelman will present a lecture entitled “Michelangelo’s Pietà Now and Then” as part of the ArtsCanisius art lecture series. This lecture will be held in the Montante Cultural Center at 7:30 p.m. A reception will follow.

Martha Levine Dunkelman, PhD, began studying art history, especially the art of the Italian Renaissance, her freshman year at Wellesley College, where she earned a bachelor of arts degree. She received master and doctoral degrees from New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts. Before coming to Canisius College on a permanent basis in 1997, Dunkelman taught at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio and the University at Buffalo.

Dunkelman was a consultant for the Educational Testing Service’s Advanced Placement Program in art history for many years. She also spent several summers at Rutgers with a National Endowment for the Humanities Seminar on the World of Leonardo da Vinci. She is particularly interested in the sculpture of Donatello and has published Central Italian Painting 1400-1465 as well as numerous articles and reviews.

Since her retirement from Canisius in 2011, Dunkelman continues to research and publish, participate in international conferences and write reviews for publications, including The Sixteenth Century Journal.

Submitted by: Yvonne K. Widenor, visiting assistant professor, program director, art history, fine arts

Baseball Hosts UB Today

steklYour Canisius baseball team returns to the Demske Sports Complex, following a four-game road trip, to host the University at Buffalo this afternoon. First pitch is scheduled for 4:00 p.m.

The Griffs are currently 15-16, with a 5-2 mark at the Demske.

For additional information, visit

Submitted by: John Maddock, associate athletic director, external affairs

All-College Honors Program Award Banquet

HurleyThe Canisius College All-College Honors Program held its annual banquet on Wednesday, April 6 at the Hotel Lafayette. The event included the presentation of the newly-created John J. Hurley Award. President Hurley was on hand to congratulate this year’s honoree Liz Piotrowski ’16.

The award is given to an All-College Honors student graduating in the spring semester who best exemplifies the Jesuit values of academic excellence, leadership and the promotion of justice. The award is named for President Hurley, who was an outstanding All-College Honors student (Class of 1978) at Canisius, and since then has exemplified the spirit of magis as a community leader, generous benefactor, and tireless advocate of social justice. In years when there is a deserving candidate, the Hurley award winner will receive $500 and a plaque.

Additional award recipients included:

The Robert J. Butler Award for Leadership – Liz Piotrowski ’16

The Kristin M. Brady Award for Excellence in All-College Honors Thesis – Nicole Kuhn ’16, Elliot Louisos ’16 and Charles Ritzler ’16

Honors Professor of the Year – Kate Dierenfield, PhD

Pictured above (l to r): John Hurley, Liz Piotrowski ’16 and Bruce Dierenfield, PhD, professor of history and director, All-College Honors Program

Submitted by: Public Relations

Physics Seminar: From Science and Math to Patent Law

The Physics Department will host Jonathan Tuminaro ’98, Friday, April 15 in Science Hall room 1030 at 4:00 p.m. for a lecture entitled “From Science and Math to Patent Law.” Tuminaro will discuss his career path and why people with a science and math education are needed in the law field.

The U.S. Constitution grants the exclusive right of a new technology to its inventor.  This allows the inventor to be the first to profit.  To be patentable, the technology has to be new or novel.  In our high-tech world, someone with a scientific or engineering background is needed to guarantee that this is new technology.

Tuminaro is a patent lawyer at the firm of Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein and Fox in Washington, D.C.  He handles intellectual property matters in such complex issues as wireless communications, hand-held devices, computer architecture, medical devices and pharmaceuticals.

Tuminaro earned bachelor’s degrees in physics and mathematics from Canisius College in 1998.

Submitted by: Michael Wood, associate professor/chair, physics