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Canisius in the News

History Professor Keith Burich, PhD, wrote an article for Indian Country Today entitled “Murder by Poverty in Indian Country: Then and Now.” In the article, Burich discusses the vicious cycle of poverty among Native Americans and high rates of various diseases, as well as lower life expectancy and high suicide rates.

Read the entire article here.

Submitted by: Public Relations

Spotlight on Faculty Scholarship

JUSTICE_Kagen_WorkshopThe JUSTICE Project is a Canisius College program funded through the U.S. Department of Special Education Programs. This $1.4 million grant supports professional development and resources to improve outcomes for students with mild disabilities in high-needs schools. JUSTICE is an acronym for Justice for Underserved Students: Teacher Preparation in Inclusive Classroom Environments. The JUSTICE Project provides teacher candidates, faculty and area K-12 teachers with opportunities to learn about and address the critical issues presented in today’s classrooms. The work of the project affords opportunities to build partnerships and work collaboratively with stakeholders to promote best practices in education.

The project’s scope of work is driven by 11 elements that are critical in improving education for children with special needs. These include using data to make decisions, teaching literacy, evidence-based practice, response to intervention, culturally relevant teaching, families, universal design for learning, assistive technology, collaboration with general educators, and positive behavior intervention and supports. The JUSTICE Project’s initiatives include research, enhancement of the Special Education Program curriculum, professional development for K-12 teachers, and integration of assistive technology into classrooms. The 2015-2016 Professional Development Series highlights evidence-based practices to improve behavioral and academic outcomes for all students.  Attendance at the program promotes a proactive approach to address classroom management and disciplinary issues for students with emotional and behavioral concerns. Data from JUSTICE Project research can be used to assess and evaluate behavioral interventions so that teachers work collaboratively with parents to promote cohesive behavior support systems.

Marya Grande, PhD, associate professor of education and undergraduate special education coordinator, is the principal investigator for the grant. Michele Marable, PhD, professor of education and chair, and Kelly Harper, PhD, associate professor of education, are co-principal investigators for the grant.  Any of these faculty members can provide additional information about the grant and the projects it is funding.

Submitted by: Sara Morris, PhD, associate vice president, academic affairs

Get to Know…

IMG_8430James Maul, PhD, has been a long and faithful member of the Canisius community.

He graduated from the college in 1960 and after a long and productive career as an organic chemist at Occidental Chemical Company, returned to the Chemistry Department as a laboratory instructor in organic chemistry, par excellence. When Jim leaves the department, his legacy will remain in the form of the endowment fund that he and his fellow graduates established to support student travel to national conferences.

Did you know…Jim met his wife (Carol) in the halls of Old Main. He and his wife enjoy boating on Lake Erie and cruising internationally. Jim is also an avid bicyclist, riding around the United States as well as in Europe!

Submitted by: Public Relations

Wellness Initiatives Announced

As part of our campus-wide wellness initiatives, the Human Resources Department is offering several seminars during the month of April. Information regarding the events is listed below.  For more details on these events, click here to view the calendar for links to these events.

On Wednesday, April 6 Tom Haney, health promotion advocate, will discuss “Communication in the Workplace.” This seminar will be held during the lunch hour and all faculty and staff are invited to bring their lunches and learn more about different types of communication styles, learn skills to help respect colleagues opinions, space and time, and much more. You may RSVP by email to

In addition to Tom Haney’s presentation on April 6, the Human Resources Department will hold a Wellness Committee Meeting from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. in the Student Center Conference Room.  This meeting is for those who have expressed an interest in being on the Wellness Committee.

On Friday, April 8, Emily Porter, co-owner of Porter Farms, will be on campus to discuss Community Supported Agriculture and their worksite delivery program.  If you are interested in participating in this for the summer then you will want to plan on attending.

The Shoes for Shelter 5k race will take place on Sunday, April 10.

On Monday, April 11 and Wednesday, April 13, the Employee Assistance Program will present “Face 2 Face” in collaboration with Kids Escaping Drugs.  This program will discuss the pro-active message of sobriety, adolescent early identification and intervention, and treatment regarding the overdose epidemic in our community. Face 2 Face in the workplace establishes a convenient and stigma proof way to educate parents and concerned community members about the trends and consequences of adolescent substance use and addiction. Our proactive panels include an addiction counselor as well as a parent of an adolescent in recovery to deliver this strong message. Additionally, this program provides information about treatment resources available in the WNY community.

On Wednesday, April 20 the college will recognize National Walking Day. The college is encouraging everyone to take a 30-minute walk during the day at a time that is convenient for you.

The Celebration of Service Ceremony will be on Friday, April 29. This is a time when the campus comes together to celebrate our colleagues who have decided to retire or have been at the college for 20, 25 and 30+ years. Come and join in the celebrations!

Submitted by: Dawn Rotterman, benefits specialist, human resources