Campus Candid

The new cross in front of Christ the King Chapel was installed over the weekend. A dedication is being planned. Stay tuned for details.
Submitted by: Public Relations
The new cross in front of Christ the King Chapel was installed over the weekend. A dedication is being planned. Stay tuned for details.
Submitted by: Public Relations
Kevin Hardwick, PhD, associate professor of political science, discusses how Republican presidential candidates John Kasich and Ted Kruz joined forces to stop Donald Trump from obtaining the GOP nomination.
To read the article in the Tri-County Sun Times, click here.
To read the article in the, click here.
To read the article in, click here.
Submitted by: Public Relations
Last month, assistant professors of Biology Jon O’Brien, PhD and Andrew Stewart, PhD, traveled with six biology research students to the Midwest Ecology & Evolution Conference (MEEC) at Miami University, Ohio. MEEC is an annual conference run by and for undergraduate and graduate students conducting research in the areas of ecology and evolution. Three students presented posters and one student gave an oral presentation based on research conducted at Canisius.
From Stewart’s lab, Andrew Bieter ’17 presented a poster on how specific dietary components affect Drosophila (fruit fly) survival. Kyle Samson ’17 presented his work on the scaling of body size components in response to artificial selection in Drosophila.
From O’Brien’s lab, Michelle Baskins ’17 presented a poster on the impacts of didymo (a nuisance aquatic organism) on invertebrate lipid composition and food web dynamics in freshwater streams. David Kerling ’17 gave an oral presentation on the impact of triclosan (a common ingredient in antibacterial soaps) on the composition, function and resistance of epilithic biofilms, a group of stream microorganism.
The Canisius students represented the college admirably, engaging students and professors alike, while discussing the research they completed over the past year. The students also benefited from seeing the research being done by their peers. Students return with a renewed enthusiasm for getting back to work in the lab next year with more experience and additional results of their continued collaborations with their research mentors.
Submitted by: Sara Morris, PhD, associate vice president, academic affairs
Thank you faculty and staff, you helped make history at Canisius!
The college’s inaugural Giving Day on Wednesday, April 27 surpassed all expectations garnering an impressive $223,038 from 1,093 alumni, friends, parents, faculty and staff.
“I am inspired by and grateful for the outpouring of support on Giving Day,” said President John J. Hurley. “While our results are an impressive accomplishment on their own, the true value of Giving Day will extend far beyond April 27 and continue to impact our nearly 4,000 Canisius students. Participation by faculty and staff were especially meaningful because it reflects our campus community’s pride and confidence in the college. Your financial support and social media presence sent a compelling message to alumni, students, parents and friends and inspired them to give to Canisius. We truly demonstrated the power of what we can accomplish together.”
As a result of Giving Day:
To see all of the Giving Day results, the final leaderboards and the #CanisiusGivingDay conversation, visit
Thank you again to all who helped make the college’s first Giving Day a success. We said we can. Together we did – with you!
Submitted by: Erin Hartnett, director, Canisius Fund
Jenelle Greene ’17, a graduate student in the college student personnel program, will say “I do” on live TV on “Good Morning America” Friday, April 29.
To read more on the couple, click here.
Submitted by: Public Relations