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International Education Week takes place today through November 22, 2014. It is sponsored nationally by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of Education, but we will also be celebrating it here on our campus. A week-long schedule of activities and films has been compiled. Each day, the lunch offering at Menutainment in the Dining Hall will spotlight a cuisine from one of the home countries of our current international students. The theme of this year’s week is “International Education is for Everyone”.

Our goal for International Education Week is to celebrate different cultures on our campus, including those of our international students. Some of our current international students will be hosting activities throughout the week. Please click here for a flyer and share these events with your students. Should you have any questions about the events or International Education Week, please feel free to contact the Office of International Student Programs by emailing or calling Ext. 2784.

Submitted by: Kathleen Brucato, director, International Student Programs