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As our WNY community is experiencing an incredibly exciting time of economic development and a boom of innovation and entrepreneurship, we have developed many new programs to keep women at the table, if not leading the way. One such program is coming up in October: Your invited to be a part of a special panel discussion of city and county elected officials for WNY’s women business owners! Our local entrepreneurs will gain a better perspective on how their elected officials support their businesses. Topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to:
· How does a business owner approach their elected officials for help with their business
· What sorts of issues are appropriate for them to discuss with their elected officials?
·  How do you know who to talk to?
· How can your elected officials help your business grow and succeed?
An added bonus for all will be that we will turn the tables and allow time for our panelists to ask our attending entrepreneurs questions about their business status and growth challenges.
Our Panelists:

Comptroller Mark J. F. Schroeder
Legislator Barbara Miller Williams
Legislator Peter Savage
Legislator Edward Rath

Where: Canisius College
Richard E. Winter Student Center, 2nd Floor
98 Hughes Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14208
When: Thursday, October 9, 2014
8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Register: Online:
For more information call: 716-888-8280

Submitted by: Karen Burke, administrative associate, Women’s Business Center