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Help Canisius Spread Word About Science Hall Via Email Signature

All Canisius faculty and staff are asked to look for an Email tomorrow on the list serv in regards to helping the college spread the word about the Science Hall project via their personal Emails.  Details will be sent then.  We hope everyone will join in helping to spread the word about what an exciting project Science Hall will be for Canisius College.

Submitted by:  Craig Chindemi, vice president, institutional advancement

Hockey Hosts Senior Day Friday (February 24)

With the regular season coming to a close this weekend, the Canisius hockey team will take time out Friday (February 24) to honor two departing seniors.  Dan Morrison and Scott Moser (pictured, right) will don the pads for their final regular season appearance when the Griffs host Mercyhurt at 7 p.m. in the Buffalo State Sports Arena.

Potentially, it’s a big series for Canisius.  Griff wins Friday at home and Saturday (February 25) at Mercyhurst, coupled with a pair of defeats by a struggling U/Conn team against AIC, would provide the Griffs with home ice advantage for the Atlantic Hockey playoffs.

For additional information on senior night and to follow the Griffs progress this weekend, visit

Submitted by: John Maddock, associate athletic director – external affairs, athletics

Occupy Movement, Economics Highlights Event

All are welcome to attend an event highlighting the dialogue on the relationship between the occupy movement and economics on Friday (February 24) from 2:30–5 p.m. in Regis South.  Four Canisius professors from the Wehle School of Business and the Department of Philosophy, as well as activists from Occupy Buffalo, will take part.  The schedule includes:

2:30-2:45 p.m. – Heron Simmonds-Price; “Growing the Commonwealth: John Locke’s Understanding of Genesis 1:28—GDP or Gift Economies?”

2:45-3 p.m. – Craig Rogers, PhD; “The Audacity of Opportunity in the Face of Occupational Segregation and Tokenism”

3-3:15 p.m. – Michael Gent, PhD; “Neoliberalism and the Great Recession”

3:15-3:45 p.m. – Tanya Loughead, PhD, leads a roundtable discussion

3:45-4 p.m. – Break

4-4:15 p.m. – Henry James and Clinton Parker, “Cooperatives: a Working Model Now and For the Future”

4:15-4:30 p.m. – Albert Brown, “Resource Based Economies: an Emerging Model”

4:30-5 p.m. –  Tanya Loughead, PhD, leads a roundtable discussion

Submitted by:  Tanya Loughead, PhD, associate professor, philosophy