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Candidates For VP Of Academic Affairs Coming To Campus

Three candidates for the open vice president for academic affairs position will visit the Canisius College campus over the next two weeks.

The first of these candidates, Andrew Novobilski, PhD, dean of the College of Sciences and Mathematics at Arkansas State University, will be on campus on today (February 7) and tomorrow (February 8). There will be two opportunities for the campus community to engage in conversation with Novobilski. The first opportunity will be today (February 7) from 2 – 3 p.m. in the Montante Cultural Center where he will be introduced and available to answer questions from the campus community in an open forum. The second forum will be held from 4 – 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 7 in the Montante Cultural Center where Novobilski will speak more directly about faculty matters with faculty members. Both forums are open to the campus community.

Information about the candidates is available though myCanisius and Angel. The next two candidates will arrive on campus on Monday, February 13 and Wednesday, February 15. Visit schedules for these candidates will be posted as soon as they are completed.

The search committee will make every effort to have this process as inclusive as possible, and everyone is encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities that are available to meet with the candidates.

Submitted by: Maryann Wayne, executive associate, vice president, business & finance on behalf of Mariusz Kozik, PhD and Patrick Richey, co-chairs, VPAA search committee

Last Chance For On-Campus Biometric Screenings

Just a reminder for those who did not participate in the biometric screenings in November, there are two more opportunities to assist the college in attaining its goal.  The first option is for faculty and staff to obtain their biometric information from a personal physician. The biometric information is height, weight, blood pressure and cholesterol and must be on a form from a physician’s office.  Once obtained, Email the form from to Katie Kicinski at and reference Canisius College Biometric in the subject line.

The other option is to have blood pressure and weight checked here on campus by Dennis Koch, PhD, and a representative of Independent Health.  Screenings will be conducted tomorrow (February 8) from Noon – 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. in the Human Resources Conference Room, no appointments needed.  Koch has volunteered to conduct these screening personally and the HIPPA protection of confidentiality will be applicable.

Submitted by:  Dawn Rotterman, associate, human resources

iPad Users Group Meets Friday (February 10)

The iPad Users Group will meet Friday (February 10) at 1:30 p.m. in the Library Conference Room on the Lower Level of the library.  Two new applications will be introduced to the group and participants will hear how others are using this very useful tablet.

This session is for those who don’t own an iPad and are thinking of getting one.  Those who have another tablet such as an Android tablet or own a smart phone can also attend.  The purpose of this group is to share ideas and how these useful tools might be integrated into the classroom.

For more information, please feel free to contact either Scott Clark at or Joe Rizzo at

Submitted by:  Joseph F. Rizzo, academic technology specialist, ITS