New York State
After a delay of more than four months, the State Legislature completed action on the 2010-2011 budget in early August. Working to close a gap of more than $9 billion, the budget cut several billion dollars in spending while also raising taxes and fees by more than $1 billion.
Cuts impacting Canisius students included the following:
- An across-the-board cut in all Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) awards of $75. In the past academic year, more than 1,400 Canisius students received a TAP award.
- The elimination of Graduate TAP awards.
- Various minor changes in TAP that tightened satisfactory academic progress requirements; eliminated TAP eligibility for loan defaulters; and reduced TAP awards for married students.
- A two percent cut in Bundy Direct Aid to colleges, which Canisius uses for student aid. The budget cut will reduce Bundy funds received by Canisius by approximately $9,000 this year.
Part of the state budget process also included nearly7, 000 appropriation vetoes by Governor Paterson, including two grants affecting Canisius: a $25,000 appropriation for the 2010 NCAA basketball tournament; and an $8,000 appropriation for the college’s Literacy Center. Reimbursement claims have been submitted on both appropriations, however, and the college will receive the funds.
The Federal Budget
As President Obama and the Congress work on federal spending and deficit issues, the Pell program that provides financial assistance to students has become part of the discussion. Because of a larger number of students who are eligible for Pell awards, and because student and family economic conditions in many cases result in higher individual awards, a shortfall of approximately $6 billion has developed in total funds available for the program. While the funding shortfall could result in a reduction in Pell grants, that outcome is not seriously anticipated at this time.
Submitted by: Ken Kruly, director, government relations