by Shana Richardson | Mar 15, 2024 | Staff

The New Buffalo Institute hosted its second Mission Monday event of the semester.
Students gathered in the Commuter Lounge to make no-sew T-shirt tote bags. The bags will be donated to First Fruits Pantry to provide convenient packaging for the food they distribute to the community.
Thank you everyone who came out to participate in this fun DIY volunteer opportunity!
Submitted by: Shana Richardson, Director, New Buffalo Institute
by Shana Richardson | Mar 15, 2024 | Staff

This past Saturday, March 9, the men’s and women’s track and cross country teams, in collaboration with the New Buffalo Institute, hosted a track and field clinic at the Resource Council of WNY!
The interactive event was designed for children ages 5-12, and engaged them in a series of fun exercises, running techniques and field activities. The event concluded with a friendly relay race competition. A great time was had by all and it was a wonderful opportunity for the teams to engage with the community!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the New Buffalo Institute if your group or department is interested in similar outreach opportunities.
Submitted by: Shana Richardson, Director, New Buffalo Institute
by Shana Richardson | Mar 6, 2024 | Staff
The Resource Council of WNY is looking for volunteers for its upcoming Spring Fest on Saturday March 23. Volunteers can choose a convenient shift that works for them.
Please reach out to Shana Richardson, director of the New Buffalo Institute, with any questions or follow the QR code on the attached flyer to sign up.
Submitted by: Shana Richardson, director, New Buffalo Institute
by Shana Richardson | Feb 16, 2024 | Staff

On Monday, February 12, the New Buffalo Institute hosted its first Mission Mondays event of the semester!
Mission Mondays allow students the opportunity to create a DIY volunteer project that will benefit a local community partner. This past Monday, students created Valentine’s Day cards and decorated bags that they then packed with hygiene products. The hygiene bags will be donated to Compass House, an emergency shelter and resource center for displaced youth.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by the Commuter Lounge to decorate bags and create cards that offer words of affirmation and encouragement to the youth at Compass House!
Submitted by: Shana Richardson, Director, New Buffalo Institute
by Shana Richardson | Feb 14, 2024 | Staff

The New Buffalo Institute extends its sincerest gratitude to all those who showed up for its inaugural Community Engagement and Volunteer Fair last week. We had more than 10 community partners in attendance to share their respective missions and available volunteer and internship opportunities, and the Canisius community was all ears!
Thank you to all the faculty and staff who encouraged their students to attend and to all those who stopped by the fair to support! We appreciate you!
Submitted by: Shana Richardson, director, New Buffalo Institute