by Spencer Liechty | Jan 23, 2025 | Staff
We are grateful to the students, faculty, staff and greater Canisius University community for donating sports gear during the Leveling the Playing Field collection drive. Together, we contributed to expanding access and equity within youth sports and recreation programs in under-resourced communities in Western New York.
A special thanks to the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), the Sustainability Committee and Alpha Sigma Nu (Jesuit honor society) who collaborated on this drive, as well as Christ the King Faith Community for bringing equipment to mass, as well as to athletics’ external affairs team for engaging the Griff Fan community to participate in this drive.
Submitted by: Spencer Liechty, Assistant Vice President for Mission Integration
by Spencer Liechty | Nov 7, 2024 | Staff
Campus Ministry and three student organizations — Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, Sustainability Committee and Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Honor Society — are organizing a sports gear collection drive. The collected gear will go to Leveling the Playing Field (LPF), which works towards equity in sports. Acquiring equipment is a major barrier to sports participation. LPF has a warehouse of donated equipment that they give to youth sports leagues to enable more kids to get in the game.
WHEN: Monday, Nov. 4-Sunday, Nov. 17
WHERE: Donation bins are located at the Koessler Athletic Center first floor lobby, inside Christ the King Chapel, and outside of Griff Thrifts, and equipment can also be dropped off inside the Office of Mission and Ministry in Old Main 101
WHAT: Used and new sports equipment (a list of accepted equipment can be found on the collection bins)
CONTACT: If you have any questions, contact Tiare Baird, GA in Campus Ministry (Old Main 101) at or 716-888-2420
Submitted by: Spencer Liechty, Director of Campus Ministry
by Spencer Liechty | Jan 26, 2024 | Staff
Campus Ministry would like to invite faculty or staff to accompany students in a service-learning immersion experience to the U.S./Mexico Border this May.
This annual experience partners with the Kino Border Initiative and offers participants an opportunity to spend time with migrants and asylum seekers, learn from their stories, and understand the broader context of the border situation and migration.
The faculty/staff role would involve being a chaperone for the student group, driving a rental van in Arizona, and being a full participant in activities and reflections during the week. The group will fly from the Buffalo airport to Tucson, AZ on the morning of Saturday May 18, and return to Buffalo by evening on Friday May 24. The group will spend time on both the U.S. side and Mexico side of the border, so a valid passport is required for this experience. Any Spanish language skills are a benefit but not required.
Please reach out to Spencer Liechty, director of Campus Ministry, by February 20 to express interest or for any questions.
Submitted by: Spencer Liechty, Director of Campus Ministry
by Spencer Liechty | Oct 30, 2023 | Faculty
All are invited to join in celebrating All Saints and All Souls Day this week.
For All Saints Day on Wednesday November 1, there will be Masses offered in Christ the King Chapel at 12:05 p.m., 5:15 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Prior to the 5:15 p.m. Mass, there will be a special choral prelude by Cantio Sacra, in honor of the Tops victims, beginning at 5:00 p.m.
On Thursday November 2, Masses will be offered at 12:05 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in celebration of All Souls Day. The 7:00 p.m. Mass will have a special ribbon memorial and candle lighting ceremony.
Submitted by: Spencer Liechty, Director of Campus Ministry
by Spencer Liechty | Oct 16, 2023 | Faculty
A Peace Pole is an internationally recognized symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire human family for peace on Earth. There are an estimated quarter-million Peace Poles across the world, each bearing the message “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in different languages.
On Tuesday, October 17, the Peace Pole at Canisius University will be placed outside of Christ the King Chapel, as a way to encourage our campus to pray for peace and non-violence in our world.
All are welcome to join for this very brief ceremony which will take place after Tuesday’s 12:00 noon Mass (around 12:30 p.m.).
Submitted by: Spencer Liechty, Director of Campus Ministry