Come Sing with Cantio Sacra
What is Cantio Sacra? Cantio Sacra is a small volunteer choir engaged throughout the year to provide music for various campus events such as: the President’s convocation, Alpha Sigma Nu induction, the Baccalaureate mass, and more.
When/Where do they meet? We meet in Montante Cultural Center every Wednesday from 1:00 – 2:00 pm. It’s a very brief and casual rehearsal but we perform at a quality level.
Can’t read music? That’s okay! Most church/community choirs are filled will people who can’t read music. We also have a strong and welcoming foundation of current members who would love to help you get started.
Questions? Email the director, Mason Cancilla, at
This semester we plan on giving a special memorial concert in May, marking one year since the Tops shooting. We would love to have as many members as possible. If you’d like to be part of this in a non-musical way, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
First rehearsal of the semester is next Wednesday, January 25!
Submitted by: Mason Cancilla, director, Cantio Sacra