IMG_5155“I love teaching Canisius College students and I especially love teaching them in Buffalo.  A lot of schools have bright students and Canisius is no exception.  Our political science graduates fill positions of power in Buffalo, Albany, Washington and around the world.  Moreover, they are some of the warmest, caring human beings I have ever known.  They practice their Jesuit ideals in their careers in making our world a better place and Buffalo is the perfect laboratory for them to hone their skills. Past classes have advised me on everything from housing issues to a new stadium for the Buffalo Bills. By the end of the semester, students have a sense that they have simultaneously mastered course concepts and done some good for the community.”

Kevin R. Hardwick, PhD
Associate Professor of Political Science

The shop worn canard, “those who can, do, and those who can’t, teach,” receives proper rebuff with the career of Kevin Hardwick. From legislative aide to New York Senate majority leader to Erie County Legislator, Kevin has melded a career as a successful politician with an equally successful career as a popular teacher. This felicitous blend of the political and the pedagogical has redounded to the benefit not only of the college but more so to Kevin’s students, who have filled his classrooms to capacity, year after year.

Did you know…Kevin appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart in 2012. You can view the episode here. Kevin also was elected to the Susquehanna Valley School Board as a senior in high school – and on the only day he ever received detention!

Submitted by: College Communications