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Mumps Cases on College Campuses Continue to Rise

The New York State Department of Health identified both SUNY New Paltz and SUNY Geneseo as two institutions currently responding to mumps outbreaks as mumps cases on college campuses continue to rise.

Student Health reports there have been no cases of mumps at Canisius this fall.  However, college health officials recommend that all campus members (faculty, staff and students) be informed about mumps, how it is spread and vaccination recommendations.

Mumps is a viral illness that presents with non-specific symptoms including muscle aches, low-grade fever, headache, fatigue and loss of appetite. Swelling of the salivary glands typically presents two days after these non-specific symptoms and can be on one or both sides of the face. Initial indication of salivary gland swelling may be earache or tenderness at the angle of the jaw.

The incubation period (time from exposure to onset of illness) is 16-18 days. Transmission is from human to human through droplets released during coughing, sneezing or talking. Transmission can also occur when individuals share items such as drinking glasses, food and eating utensils.  Mumps can also be transmitted through contact with surfaces that have been contaminated with infected droplets. Individuals are infectious (time they can spread the virus to others) two days before to five days after salivary glands swell.

Vaccination is the best prevention. Student Health strongly recommends all campus members born on or after 1/1/1957 check with their health care provider to be sure they have been vaccinated with two doses of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine or have laboratory confirmed immunity to mumps disease.

Those individuals born before 1957 are considered by New York State to be immune to mumps through natural exposure. Anyone wishing to confirm his/her immunity, should contact his/her health care provider and request a laboratory confirmation blood test.

Student Health recommends anyone experiencing symptoms, even if vaccinated, should stay at home and contact his/her health care provider.

To read more about mumps, go to

Submitted by: Patricia Creahan, APRN-BC, director, Student Health Center

December “Crossroads” Now Available

In case you missed it, the December broadcast of “Crossroads” is now available on the Canisius soundcloud.

Program host Rev. Patrick J. Lynch, SJ, interviewed Rev. Benjamin Fiore, SJ, about Advent customs.  The professor of religious studies & theology reflected on the origin and meaning of Advent wreaths, the Jesse Tree and the Advent calendar, among other customs.

“Crossroads” is a monthly radio program produced by the Network of Religious Communities.  It airs on the first Sunday of each month at 6:00 a.m. on MIX-96 (96.1 FM) and at 6:30 a.m. on JACK-FM (92.9 FM).

Submitted by: College Communications

COLI Workshops in the Spring Semester

During the spring semester, the Center for Online Learning & Innovation (COLI) is running a series of workshops to help faculty and staff get the most out of technology for teaching, research and day-to-day administration.  If you missed any of our fall workshop series, you’ll get a chance to attend in the spring.  Many of these workshops are already scheduled and others will be rescheduled soon.

Popular workshops cover using Google Apps for collaborative work with students and colleagues, Qualtrics for online data collection, WordPress for web and email publication and Confluence, our easy-to-use wiki for committees, programs and departments.

In January and February, COLI will run sessions of its familiar Desire2Learn (D2L) workshops, both online and on-campus.  If you are new to D2L, thinking about using a feature that’s new to you, or just want a refresher on using tools like discussions or the gradebook, these sessions are ideal.

Sign up for these and other workshops today!

COLI Quick Tip!  Tired Eyes?  Fine Print?  Lots of Data?  Zoom In!

Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, PhD, instructional designer, COLI