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Canisius Awarded $1.4 Million HECap Grant

Canisius has been awarded a $1.4 million grant through the New York State Higher Education Capital Matching Grant Program (HECap) to expand allied health programming at the university.

The grant will be used to construct and equip allied health related laboratories and facilities in Science Hall necessary to launch new programs and support the goals of the university’s new strategic plan: Answer the Call.

Read more here.

Submitted by: University Communications

Fall Holiday Reminder

Canisius University will be closed on Monday, October 9 in recognition of the fall holiday. We will reopen on Tuesday, October 10.

We wish you a safe and enjoyable weekend with your families and friends!

Submitted by: Mary Braun, Employment Manager, Human Resources

Virtual Professional Development Series

Session 2 of our professional development series with Lindsey Zajac from Career Partners International is scheduled for Tuesday, October 17 at 2:00 p.m.

This program is open to all faculty and staff who may be interested in any of the topics throughout the semester.

Fall Schedule

Session 2: Stress Reduction for the Busy Professional

Tuesday, October 17th-2:00pm-3:00pm

We all face stress on a regular basis. Whether it’s work-related or personal, stress is a central component in life and can spur us to do more, be more, and have more. But what if we could achieve more by doing less? In this presentation, we’ll learn simple tools to reduce our stress in five minutes or less so that we can act from a space of calmness and clarity. Participants will learn to enhance their performance, motivation, and focus to achieve higher levels of success in their work and personal life.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 951 571 9440
Passcode: 9409

One tap mobile
+16469313860,,9515719440#,,,,*9409# US
+19292056099,,9515719440#,,,,*9409# US (New York)

Session 3: Resolving Conflict and Mastering Difficult Conversations

Tuesday, November14th-2:00pm-3:00pm

Session 4: Navigating Procrastination and Managing your Time Effectively

Thursday, December 7th 10:00am-11:00am

Registration is not required, and you can participate in any of the sessions that interest you. Watch for additional information regarding future sessions each month. Please contact the Office of Human Resources with any questions at Ext. 2240.

Submitted by: Mary Braun, Employment Manager, Human Resources

“Wild Hope” Screening and Panel Discussion

The Animal Behavior, Conservation & Ecology Department (ABEC) in partnership with Buffalo Toronto Public Media, present a screening and discussion of “Wild Hope” tonight, Wednesday, October 4, 2023 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the Science Hall Commons. 

At a time when news about the environment is filled with doom and people around the world feel fearful about the future, “Wild Hope” is changing the narrative with surprising stories that show we can still change course. Each 30-minute episode highlights the intrepid changemakers working to restore and protect our planet and inspires audiences with stories of bold interventions, unexpected alliances, and nature’s resilience.

The screening will be followed by a panel discussion and audience Q&A. Sue Margulis, PhD, ABEC professor, will serve as moderator.  Panelists include: Genevieve Fontana ’24, ABEC and digital media arts major, Robin L. Foster, PhD, assistant professor of ABEC and Jon O’Brien, PhD, associate professor of Biology.

Click here to add this event to your digital calendar.

Submitted by: Malini Suchak, Chair & Professor, ABEC

Reminder about Email Security Measures

ITS would like to remind the campus about safe Email practices. Some of the more recent “spoofed” Emails make it appear that someone from Canisius has Emailed you requesting information, but remember, malicious senders are creative and make it look like someone you may know. Remember to look at the actual Email address (using your mouse, hover over the sender’s name in the FROM line) to better identify valid email requests.

From time to time, Canisius accounts can be compromised and then used to send out a phishing email to other Canisius accounts. If you are questioning a request or links in any Email, reach out to the person directly or contact the ITS Helpdesk to verify authenticity. Here’s a quick video with tips on avoiding email scams:

Also keep in mind that ITS will never send an Email concerning authentication (e.g., password expiration) that contains a link.

For faculty/staff, additional measures were deployed in early 2020 for Microsoft Exchange to help identify “safe” vs. “unsafe” Emails. Outside Emails will be easily identifiable via one of the following colored alerts. This includes some of the email found in your “Junk” folder that is already marked as “SPAM”.

NOTE: These banners will be displayed as PLAIN TEXT for email messages placed in your junk folder, but if you move it to any one of your other mailbox folders, you will see the full color versions of the above alerts.

We have identified “trusted” emails sent from some of our partner vendors (Slate, Adirondack, Medicat, emails sent by Advancement through Benchmark, etc.) so they will not get this type of header. If you discover we have missed a vendor that should be trusted, please email the ITS Help Desk at

Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, Instructional Designer, COLI, on behalf of ITS