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The Canisius College Video Institute production of the November episode of “Kaleidoscope” premieres on Saturday, November 7, at 5:30 a.m. on WGRZ-TV 2. This 30-minute television program celebrates the religious diversity of our region and is produced in conjunction with the Network of Religious Communities. “Kaleidoscope” is rebroadcast each Friday at 6:35 p.m. on Time Warner Cable 20 and each Sunday at 8:00 p.m. on Time Warner 6 in Olean.

In our first segment, Rev. Christos Christakis, PhD, of the Hellenic Church of the Annunciation, talks with Metropolitan Bishop Kallistos Ware of the Greek Orthodox Church under the Patriarch of Constantinople. Bishop Ware is also the Spalding Lecturer of Eastern Orthodox Studies at the University of Oxford and the chair of the International Dialogue between the Anglican and Orthodox Churches.

Next, Stan Bratton, PhD, talks with Dilip Sinha, PhD, of the Hindu Cultural Society about the celebration of Diwali, as well as the teachings of Hinduism regarding healthcare and the end of life.

Students in the Canisius College Video Institute produce “Kaleidoscope” under the guidance of Jamie O’Neil, associate professor of digital media arts and co-director of the Video Institute, and Paula Angelis-Stein ‘86, MS ‘02.

Submitted by: Barbara Irwin, PhD, professor, communication studies