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Dr. James Donnelly’s research on end-of-life dreams and visions is garnering a generous amount of media attention.  A total of 49 media outlets picked up the story.  Of those media “hits,” 37 were national; 12 were international.

Some of the larger media outlets to run the story include The Huffington Post, Science Daily, Yahoo News and and Sleep Review Magazine. Internationally, the research made news in Canada, the United Kingdom and India.

Arianna Huffington, founder and president of The Huffington Post, tweeted Dr. Donnelly’s research on her Twitter page.  (She has 2.15 million followers.)  In addition, the reporter who wrote the article included a link to our homepage in her article!

And there’s more to come.  Dr. Donnelly will summarize his research in a taped, two-minute segment for The Academic Minute, broadcast on WAMC/Northeast Public Radio, which broadcasts to a large list of radio stations across the country.  The Academic Minute is also listed on the home page of the Inside Higher Education website.

Submitted by: Marketing and Communication