by Public Relations | Feb 20, 2014 | Faculty, Staff, Students
Are you looking for an easy way to create video content for your students to extend lessons beyond the classroom? Have you heard of the ‘flipped classroom’ but are not sure where to get started? This webinar will demonstrate web-based and computer-based tools to easily produce both student and teacher created videos that can be used to bring the content delivery of any course outside of the classroom. The ‘flipped classroom’ uses that ‘extra’ time for engaging activities and differentiated instruction. Tools that will be demonstrated include Screen-cast-omatic, Screenr, Snagit, and Camtasia. Dr. Ron Kotlik, director of the educational technologies and emerging media at Canisius College will host this webinar on Wednesday, March 5 at 4 p.m. Click here to register.
Submitted by: Tracy Callaghan, executive associate to the Dean, School of Education and Human Services
by Public Relations | Feb 20, 2014 | Alumni, Faculty, Staff, Students
The Women & Gender Studies Program will host a benefit reading of “Any One of Us: Words from Prison” on Thursday, February 20 at 7:00 p.m. in the Grupp Fireside Lounge. The event will benefit Women for Human Rights and Dignity (WHRD), a local organization that benefits incarcerated and transitioning women in the Buffalo area, and the V-Day Spotlight Campaign: One Billion Rising for Justice. Canisius will join thousands of V- Day organizers throughout the world in producing Any One of Us: Words From Prison. Students, faculty, staff and alumnae will participate in the reading.
Any One of Us: Words from Prison is a groundbreaking collection of monologues written by more than 50 incarcerated or formerly incarcerated women in the United States and commissioned by V-Day. The piece reveals the connection between women in prison and the violence that often brings them there with honesty and sincerity.
V-Day and One Billion Rising are global activist movements to end violence against women and girls through benefit productions of playwright/founder Eve Ensler’s award-winning play “The Vagina Monologues” and other events. More than $100 million has been raised and millions of people have been educated about the issue of violence against women and the efforts to end it.
Tickets are $5 and available at the door. For more information, contact Claire L. Kovacs, PhD, assistant professor of art history, at (716) 888-2531 or via e-mail at
Submitted by: Claire Kovacs, assistant professor, Fine Arts Department