by Public Relations | Jul 17, 2013 | Faculty, Staff
The campus community is invited to attend a reception honoring Fran Mergl, director of advancement services, who will be retiring on August 2.
Fran has been with Canisius more than 18 years and will be dearly missed as she begins a new chapter of her life.
Please stop by 23 Agassiz Circle (conference room) on Tuesday, July 23 from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. to wish her well. Parking will be available in the Agassiz parking lot or feel free to walk over, as it is a short stroll from campus.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Marion Jagodzinski at or at Ext. 8217. We look forward to seeing everyone!
Submitted by: Marion Jagodzinski, director of stewardship
by Public Relations | Jul 17, 2013 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
Faculty and staff and members of their families are invited to join Campus Ministry and The Buffalo Burrito Project next Tuesday, July 23.
The Buffalo Burrito Project provides fresh home-made burritos to the poor and homeless population in downtown Buffalo. The project is a ministry to some of the most vulnerable and forgotten in our society.
Burritos will be prepared in our kitchen from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
The group will walk a four-mile route and will serve about 80 burritos, snacks and a drink. (Our campus ministry van follows the Street Team as we walk) from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. (You may join us for the prep session and or the walking piece of our work-most do both.)
To sign-up, simply email Joe Van Volkenburg at Please include your name and contact information.
Submitted by: Joe Van Volkenburg, assistant to the director, campus ministry
by Public Relations | Jul 17, 2013 | Faculty, Staff
It’s time to register for your employee parking tag for 2013-2014. Your current tag expires on August 15, 2013.
Simply go to:; click on myCanisius; login with username & password; under online tools, click on Email, Angel & Services – a drop down occurs – click on All Applications & Services. Under Campus Services, click on Purchase Parking; follow the prompts:
- Your Canisius username and password
- If you are not paying via payroll deduction, your credit card or checking/savings account information for payment
- Vehicle description (year, make, model, color)
- Vehicle license plate number
- You can pay via payroll deduction, credit, or webcheck. Your tag will be sent to you, once you’ve registered and paid, via interoffice mail.
If you pay with cash, you must still register on-line, but will need to pay at a Student Accounts window in the Health Science Building, 2nd floor at which time your tag will be given to you. If you have any questions, please call Shelly Baronich, Controller’s office at ext 8529.
To register immediately, CLICK HERE
Submitted by: Shelly Baronich, associate, controller’s office
by Public Relations | Jul 17, 2013 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
The Canisius College Video Institute production of the July episode of Kaleidoscope is now airing on Time Warner Cable.
The episode features a story about the practice of fasting in various faiths and an interview with Rabbi Irwin Tannenbaum about the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem in Ancient Times. The conversation is enriched by a display of ancient artifacts from the period.
Kaleidoscope is a monthly television program that airs first Saturdays at 6:00 a.m. on WGRZ-TV Channel 2 and every Friday at 6:35 p.m. on Time Warner Cable 20.
Students in the Spring 2013 Video Institute course produced six episodes of Kaleidoscope in collaboration with the Network of Religious Communities. The course was taught by Barbara Irwin, PhD, professor and chair of Communication Studies, and Paula DeAngelis-Stein, COM ’86/MS ’02.
Submitted by: Barbara J. Irwin, PhD, professor/chair, communication studies
by Public Relations | Jul 17, 2013 | Faculty, Staff
Please join me in welcoming Joe Roetter as the new Safety Director. Joe was instrumental in making Buffalo a safer place long before he accepted this assignment.
Joe, a history teacher, retired from the Buffalo Public School district. In the mid seventies there were a number of house fires and deaths in the city of Buffalo. To respond to the number of tragedies that the school community was experiencing, he and another teacher from Woodlawn Junior High School created and taught fire survival classes to their students. This initiative was taken to the community when they obtained funding to create the Community Fire Survival Center to provide information, safety demonstrations and services to fire victims; to build a cadre of liaisons between the community and the fire department, and provide smoke and fire detection equipment to community residents.
In addition, Joe was able to obtain another grant that provided smoke detectors to senior citizens.
Joe’s most recent position was in the mail room, assisting with the automation effort.
His community activities include president of the Buffalo Dortmund Sister City Committee, director of the German American Heritage Festival, and he has represented the City of Buffalo in Kanazawa, Japan in the 50 Year Celebration of that Sister City Relationship. Joe is currently Commodore of the Buffalo Harbor Sailing Club. In addition, he has served in the Army as a Medical Corpsman.
Submitted by: Deborah J. Winslow-Schaber, director of human resources