Join the office of Campus Programming & Leadership Development (CPLD) for Portraits Of Courage: American Women on Thursday (November 10) at 7 p.m. in the Marie Maday Theatre. This exciting, live theatrical performance highlights the lives of Helen Keller (pictured, right), Sylvia Rivera, Mary Church Terrell, and Sarah Winnemucca who stood up for not only themselves and other women, but also for change in some of history’s most pressing issues in American society.
The show also focuses on relevant topics women are dealing with today through the perspective of women who were at the forefront of change within these issues. By revisiting the lives of these historical women, present generations can celebrate the accomplishments of those who paved the way, and glean inspiration to start their own path. From trailblazers to pacifists, these women made a conscious decision to improve their lives and the lives of those around them.
For more information on Portraits of Courage: America’s Women, click here or contact Chris Lauth in CPLD at
Submitted by: Katie Martoche, assistant director, campus programming & leadership development