The Joseph J. Naples Conversations in Christ & Culture Lecture Series presents The Soul of Banaras featuring Indian musicians Sitarist Ravindra Goswami and Tablaist Ramchandra Pandit tomorrow (November 3) at 7:30 p.m. in the Palisano Pavilion. This concert is free and open to all students, faculty and friends.
Goswani has been a professional musician for 40 years and is recognized as one of the senior most artists in the musically rich city of Varanasi, India. He has won a number of national awards in India, including first place in the Prayag Sangeet Samiti All-India Competition in 1967. Goswani is an “A-level” Artist of All India Radio and Television, and has performed throughout India and the world.
Pandit has been a professional performer of classical, semi-classical, folk, and popular music for four decades. Pandit holds a master of music, and has performed for All India Radio and played percussion on film soundtracks in Bombay for the legendary composer S.D. Burman. He currently directs the non-profit Sarangi Institute of Varanasi, an organization that he founded to preserve the musical tradition of the sarangi. Pandit is also the former coordinator of the University of Wisconsin Year in India Program, a position that he held for nearly 30 years.
For more information, contact Chris Lee at or Ext. 2874.
Submitted by: Marilyn Tokarczyk, administrative associate, religious studies