On Saturday, November 12, the Department of Counseling and Human Services will sponsor a workshop in the Grupp Lounge from 8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. Topics covered include clinical approaches and considerations to understanding sexual challenges of children and adolescents, secondary traumatic stress disorders, and counseling for veterans and veterans’ families. All Canisius faculty, staff and students are invited to attend.
Tom Mazur, PsyD, a local clincial psychologist; Matthew Baker, a readjustment counselor and family therapist at the Buffalo Veterans Center; and Kristy D’Angelo, former coordination of clinical staff development at Crisis Services for 11 years will give presentations. Cost for the workshop is $20 for students and $50 for professionals. Payment is non-refundable. Lunch will be served.
Registration forms may be picked up outside of the Department of Counseling and Human Services in Churchill Tower, Room 802. The deadline for registration is Saturday, November 5. For more information, contact Rosemary Evans at Ext. 3298.
Submitted by: Rosemary Evans, administrative associate, counseling and human services