by Lynn Incardona | May 8, 2024 | Staff

The Human Resources Department is pleased to announce that Jeannette Delaney is the Canisius University Employee of Distinction for April 2024! Jeannette was nominated for the award by Dr. Malini Suchak, professor and chair for ABEC & Anthrozoology.
At Canisius for 8 years, Jeannette currently works as Sr Assistant Director for Admissions Department. This is what Malini said about Jeannette.
“I first started working more closely with Jeanette a year ago when I became chair. In that time, I have come to know her as someone who is incredibly skilled at the work she does and who generously shares her insights with those of us with less experience. She has given me loads of ideas and suggestions for how to improve our recruitment and always comes from a place of kindness, not judgement. She exhibits cura personalis towards all of our students, whether they are prospectives or enrolled here, often referring to them by name and knowing their individual stories. She is genuinely invested in everyone’s success and I am so grateful to work with her”.
Please join the Human Resources Department in congratulating Jeannette on this achievement!
Submitted by: Lynn Incardona, HR Associate, Human Resources
by Lynn Incardona | May 8, 2024 | Staff

Nominate a co-worker for a job well done for the month of May by completing the Employee of Distinction nomination form here. Please have all submissions completed no later than end-of-day Wednesday, May 22.
The Employee of Distinction program provides an excellent opportunity to show appreciation and support for co-workers and to reward them for all they do. The application will request an explanation as to why a candidate is worthy of the award. A list of factors to consider when submitting a nomination include the nominee’s history of accomplishments, level of determination, motivation, and interpersonal skills.
The information provided in the application will be used to make a fair and objective selection. Upon supervisor approval, the Employee Engagement Team reviews all nominations and votes each month.
Once a decision is made for May, the Employee of Distinction will be featured in The Dome.
Contact Lynn Incardona in the Human Resources Department at Ext. 2240 with any questions.
Submitted by: Lynn Incardona, HR Associate, Human Resources
by Hamilton Cochrane | May 8, 2024 | Staff

On Friday, May 3, Rev. Gregory Boyle, S.J, received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States highest civilian honor, from President Joe Biden in a White House ceremony. Father Boyle is the founder of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang-intervention, rehabilitation, and re-entry program in the world.
In October 2022, Father Boyle —accompanied by two “homies”— visited Canisius under the auspices of the Contemporary Writers Series and received the Canisius Presidential Medal, the highest honor our institution confers.

You can learn more about Homeboy Industries here.
You can learn more about the Canisius Contemporary Writers Series here.
Submitted by: Mick Cochrane, English
by Josephine Feary | May 8, 2024 | Staff
As we approach the end of our 23-24 fiscal year, here is some important information from the Controller’s Office for the campus community to keep in mind:
•All requisitions are to be submitted by the end of business day on Wednesday May 15, 2024 to allow for sufficient approval and processing time. Related invoices should be submitted as soon as possible.
Visa/Center Suite
•All VISA charges posted to the bank by 5/31/24 will be charged to the 23-24 budget.
•Any charges that post AFTER 5/31/24 will be charged to the 24-25 budget.
Please note that it can take up to 1-7 business days for charges to post.
AP Checks
•All invoices and check requests are to be submitted by end of day on Thursday May 23, 2024 to allow for sufficient approval and processing time. AP checks will be issued on Friday May 31, 2024.
Please contact Accounts Payable at 888-8525 with any questions.
Submitted by: JoAnn Feary, Accounts Payable
by Kristine Kasbohm | May 8, 2024 | Staff

The exhibition Paul Muldoon: The Joseph M. Hassett Collection is currently in the Special Collections Gallery, Charles Marvin Fairchild Memorial Gallery at Georgetown University.
It includes material from the Canisius University Archives, including this book which was inscribed by Muldoon when he came to Canisius for the 4th annual Hassett Reading in 2006:
From the exhibit webpage: “Paul Muldoon: The Joseph M. Hassett Collection explores the work of Irish poet Paul Muldoon through a collection of published work donated to Lauinger Library by Joseph M. Hassett…..Hassett’s extensive collection features some of Muldoon’s rarest limited-edition publications. These mesmerizing objects offer an unusually rich glimpse into Muldoon’s collaborations with printmakers, painters, illustrators, photographers, and musicians. Drawing on manuscripts, drafts, letters, and revisions, the exhibition seeks to tap into Muldoon’s creative process, examining the political pressures that shaped his early work in Troubles-era Belfast, his migration to the United States in 1987, and the editorial relationships and artistic community that surround him.”
You can read more here.
The exhibition runs through May, 31, 2024.
Submitted by: Kristine Kasbohm, Director, Andrew L. Bouwhuis, SJ Library