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Mick Cochrane Visits Minnesota Arts High School

On Dec. 12, Canisius English professor Mick Cochrane visited a class of literary arts students at Perpich Arts High School in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He spoke about the process of publishing a literary magazine and what it’s like to study creative writing at the college level. He described the new Hassett Family Creative Writing Scholarship at Canisius and encouraged students to apply. Read more about Mick’s visit to Perpich in the school’s newsletter.

Submitted by: Mick Cochrane, Professor, English

English Department Establishes Connelly Writing Prizes

The Canisius English Department announces two new annual writing prizes: The Thomas Connelly Prize for Excellence in Literary Analysis, which will be awarded to the best literary analysis essays submitted each academic year; and The Thomas Connelly Prize for Excellence in First-Year Writing, to be awarded to the best essays submitted each year in first-year writing courses.

Winners will receive the following cash awards:

The Thomas Connelly Prize for Excellence in Literary Analysis

1st Prize: $1,500

2nd Prize: $1,000

Honorable Mention: $500

The Thomas Connelly Prize for Excellence in First-Year Writing

1st Prize: $1,000

2nd Prize: $500

Honorable Mention: $250

Instructors of 200- and 300-level English courses may nominate essays from among those submitted in their courses for the Prize for Excellence in Literary Analysis. An instructor may nominate up to two essays each semester. In addition, English Department majors and minors may nominate their own essays that they write outside the auspices of an English course, including essays written specifically to be considered for the Connelly Prize.

Instructors of first-year writing courses taught by the English Department (ENG 100, ENG 111, ENG 112, and HON 101) may nominate essays from among those submitted in their courses for the Prize for Excellence in First Year Writing. An instructor may nominate up to two essays each semester.

Thomas Connelly earned his BA from Canisius in 1971 and an MA in 1974. His best memories of Canisius are of the English honors program, courses taught by Dr. Frank Riga—and playing speed chess and pinochle for lunch money. During his long and distinguished legal career, he received a number of awards for his pro bono work—legal services provided to those who could not afford them. He retired in 2003 and moved to Virginia with his wife of 52 years, Rosemary, a retired elementary teacher. He remains an avid reader of poetry (Hopkins, Dickinson, and Dylan Thomas), Canadian literature, especially short stories; as well as mysteries and science fiction.

The deadline for nominations is April 15, 2025. Judging will be done by a committee of English faculty members appointed by the department chair. For more information, contact Dr. Mark Hodin:

Submitted by: Mick Cochrane, professor, English

Ryan Wolf ’12 Publishes Middle Grade Novel

Ryan Wolf ’12 is the author of The Memory Vampires, a verse novel for young readers, published this spring by West 44th Books. Wolf is the author of three young adult novels—Watches and Warnings, Control Room, and The Real Unreal—as well as Moving Through Walls for middle grade readers and the Creeper Critter Keepers series for children.

At Canisius, Wolf completed majors in English, creative writing, and communication studies, and a minor in philosophy. He was a member of the All-College Honors Program; chapter president of Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honors society; and executive editor of Quadrangle. He also performed for Little Theatre, wrote for The Griffin, and hosted a campus radio program. As a recipient of the Mel Schroeder Scholarship, Wolf attended the International Yeats Summer School in Sligo, Ireland.

In 2015, Wolf earned an MA in Humanities from the University of Chicago. In addition to his fiction for children and young adults, he has published work in Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education, Artvoice, and The Buffalo News. Currently he is Senior Content & Brand Manager for Person Centered Care Coordination Organization,LLC.

You can learn more about Ryan Wolf and his writing on his author website:

Submitted by: Mick Cochrane, Professor, English


Brianna Propis ’23 Named Assistant Editor at Rosen Publishing

Brianna Propis has been promoted to assistant editor at Rosen Publishing, where she has been serving as an editorial assistant.

Propis graduated from Canisius with majors in creative writing and English. She took workshops in fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and young adult fiction as well as the literary publishing practicum. She was a member of Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honors society, and served as Quadrangle editor-in-chief and president of Little Theatre. Her All-College Honors thesis was a work of creative nonfiction, a series of profiles of people who temporarily and artfully assume other identities—an actor, a drag king, and a sports mascot.

Established in 1950, the Rosen Publishing Group is an independent publishing house based in New York with an office in Buffalo. Its several imprints—Green Haven, Enslow, Gareth Stevens, and West 44th Books—focus on educational materials for young readers.

Submitted by: Mick Cochrane, Professor, English

Joe Bieron ’12 Named Buffalo Prep Director of Community Wellness

Joe Bieron ’12 has been named director of community wellness by Buffalo Prep. Founded in 1989, Buffalo Prep nurtures and advocates for academically ambitious scholars of color by providing personalized academic and enrichment programs.

As director of community wellness, Bieron seeks to ensure that all members of the community feel cared for, capable, and connected. He meets the emotional needs of his scholars by focusing on the five pillars of trauma-informed care: safety, trustworthiness, collaboration, choice, and empowerment.

Bieron graduated from Canisius with majors in English, creative writing and history. He was a contributor to Quadrangle literary magazine and also served as managing editor. Among the courses that were important to him were Dr. Thomas Reigstad’s Mark Twain elective and Professor Eric Gansworth’s advanced creative writing workshop focused on creative nonfiction.

After graduation, Bieron completed two terms of service with AmeriCorps Builds Lives Through Education and then earned a master of social work degree from the University at Buffalo’s School of Social Work in 2016. In 2020, he earned a doctorate of social work from the University of Southern California’s Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work.

Before joining Buffalo Prep, he worked in various capacities with the Matt Urban Center, the New York State Department of Health and the Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo. In addition to his work at Buffalo Prep, Bieron is an adjunct professor at the University at Buffalo, where he teaches courses in social work to both graduates and undergraduates.

You can learn more about Buffalo Prep here:

Submitted by: Mick Cochrane, Professor, English Department