On Tuesday, May 21, at 6:30 p.m., Mick Cochrane will give a talk entitled “How To Write A Baseball Novel,” as part of a series of author talks held at the Cazenovia Public Library and funded in part by Erie County.
Cochrane is the author of two novels with baseball material. Sport (St Martin’s) is the story of a baseball-loving boy’s search for order and belonging in a world where the rules keep changing. The Girl Who Threw Butterflies (Knopf Books for Young Readers) is the story of a grieving girl who finds community and consolation as she pursues mastery of the elusive and mysterious knuckleball.
At Canisius, Cochrane has taught an honors seminar focused on baseball literature and film, and he has presented several papers at the annual Cooperstown Conference on Baseball and the American Culture.
The event is free and open to the public. The Cazenovia Library is located at 155 Cazenovia St, Buffalo, 14210. There will be time for questions and conversation after the talk. For more information: 716 821.0564
Submitted by: Janet McNally, Associate Professor, English
Dr. Chirantana Mathkari, assistant professor in the Animal Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation (ABEC) and Anthrozoology Department, was invited as a guest lecturer in the Life Science Career Lab, a STEM career exploration program for 9th-12th graders hosted by the Buffalo zoo on May 11, 2024.
Teenagers who plan to make a career in animal-related STEM fields such as veterinary medicine, animal behavior, and anthrozoology, analyzed career paths, discussed educational pre-requisites offered at Canisius, and even opened up on personal experiences with Dr. Mathkari, all in an active learning environment.
Some of the current ABEC and Anthrozoology students are the past participants of the Life Science Career Lab, and a continued involvement of the faculty at the lab exhibits the potential to engage more students in the University’s degree programs.
Submitted by: Chirantana Mathkari, Assistant Professor, Animal Behavior, Ecology and Conservation & Anthrozoology
Quick: Sign on to become a media expert before the school year ends!
The Office of University Communications is inviting faculty and staff to elevate their influence by sharing their insights and expertise with a broader audience.
Specifically, our team is developing a database of Canisius individuals who have expertise on topics that may be of interest to local, regional and national media outlets.
To participate, simply complete the brief questionnaire (link below) detailing your areas of expertise and scholarship. Responses will be compiled into a database that will serve as a resource for journalists seeking knowledgeable sources for their stories.
And no worries if you’re new to media interviews.
The Office of University Communications is here to provide media tips and training so you can feel confident and prepared to share your expertise.
Don’t miss this opportunity to amplify your impact and contribute to public discourse! Fill out the Media Expert questionnaire.