Canisius University is featured prominently in a recent article published by The Buffalo News Editorial Board. The article, titled “More Than Ever, Families Need Help with FAFSA,” highlights the proactive approach Canisius has taken in addressing the FAFSA delays and the challenges they are causing for students and families. Click hereto read the article.
Canisius University alongside Christ the King Chapel’s faith community invite the faculty, staff and students to celebrate Holy Week, ahead of Easter Sunday on March 31.
In addition to the schedule of services (below), the regular weekday schedule of Masses and confessions will remain in effect during the university’s spring break, unless otherwise noted.
Thursday, March 28 Holy Thursday / The Lord’s Supper 7:00 p.m. Mass *The Chapel will remain open until 10:00 p.m. for prayer
Friday, March 29 Good Friday 3:00 p.m. Outdoor Way of the Cross *Begins in front of the Chapel 7:00 p.m. Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
Saturday, March 30 Holy Saturday 7:00 p.m. Vigil Mass of Easter with initiation sacraments
Sunday, March 31 Easter Sunday 9:30 a.m. Mass of the Resurrection *No 7:00 p.m. Mass on Easter Sunday
Submitted by: Rev. Fred Betti, SJ, chaplain, Mission & Ministry
On April 8, Buffalo and the surrounding areas will experience a total eclipse of the Sun. The experience includes more than just the blocking of the Sun by the moon. You are likely to experience a temperature drop, the diamond ring effect, shadow bands, changing colors and perhaps unusual behavior of animals.
However, to safely view this spectacular phenomenon, you will need to look through special eclipse glasses, which are much darker than ordinary sun glasses. Do NOT view the eclipse with sunglasses. Eclipse glasses must meet the transmission requirements of international standard ISO 12312-2. Eclipse glasses are available at several locations in the Buffalo area. Below is a partial list:
All branches of the Buffalo and Erie County Libraries
Buffalo Museum of Science
Town of Hamburg, Dept. of youth & senior Services
Niagara Falls Visitor Center
Some Wegmans
The Buffalo Zoo
Glasses can also be purchased at Amazon and other online retailers. Be sure to inspect your glasses to make sure there are no holes, tears, or scratches in the glasses. Also, make sure they are marked as complying with ISO 12312-2.
Importantly, do NOT look at the Sun through a camera lens, telescope, binoculars or any other optical device, even while wearing eclipse glasses. The concentrated solar rays will burn through the filter and cause serious eye injury.
Also importantly, do NOT look at the Sun during totality without your glasses. Some on-line sources say you can, but this is dangerous. Once a sliver of sunlight reappears, it could damage your eyes.
To further emphasize the safety aspects of viewing the eclipse the Buffalo Museum of Science and the Buffalo Astronomical Association are conducting eclipse training sessions, which focus on safety as well as what to expect during the eclipse. The dates and times are listed below:
The Buffalo Science Museum ( has training on April 3 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Participants must register and can access the training online.
The Buffalo Astronomical Association ( has scheduled training on March 30 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon at the Audubon Nature center in Java NY. Participants must register in advance. (The Center is a great place for bird watching and has a wonderful nature center, but there’s construction now).
Everyone should consider registering for the training but those who might be leading a group should strongly consider attending one of these events.
You might also consider other ways to safely view the eclipse. One example is to create a pinhole viewing projector using a box. Directions for a pinhole projector and other viewing options can be found at the following links: – (The girl in this video uses a cereal box. We suggest that you use something bigger like a box that printer paper comes in so that there is a larger screen in the back) and
If you plan to take pictures of the eclipse, you will need a photo filter to protect your phone or camera. These may be obtained at some of the locations listed above. Many packages of eclipse gasses purchased on line include photo filters.
Finally, we need to consider that it is likely to be cloudy at this time of year in Buffalo (Maybe even snow!!). So, make your plans accordingly. Live streaming of the eclipse will be shown by NASA, as well as the Buffalo Astronomical Society. Whatever the weather, plan your party and enjoy the event.
A lot more information about the eclipse can be found at, including discussions of viewing safety.
Many thanks to Mel Crotzer for writing this information on behalf of the members of the Laudato Sí group at Canisius.
Submitted by: Yvonne K. Widenor, Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs, Assistant Professor, Art History, MLLC Department, Director and Studio Art Galleries Director, ArtsCanisius
As announced back in December in The Dome and posted in the Need to Know of the portal, ITS will be shutting down Self Service Banner 8 for Employees on Monday April 1. Now is the time to get familiar with the Employee Dashboard and begin using it.
To assist with campus training, we have recorded 2 Ellucian videos. They can be found in the Banner wiki documentation page found here: (Scroll down to find the Self Service Banner 9 for Human Resources heading, in order to view the Employee Dashboard Overview and/or the Hourly Timesheet Overview).
Using the “My Team” functionality is a great way to review information about staff that report to you, including mailing addresses, phone numbers, Emails, leave balances and emergency contacts. We encourage you to review this information and advise your staff to keep their Canisius emergency contact information current via the Campus Alert/Update Emergency Contacts or Personal Information apps. Both apps are available in the portal, under CAMPUS SERVICES.
Please consider adding the Employee Dashboard to your favorites in the portal, just drag and drop the link located under PAYROLL or HUMAN RESOURCES!
Submitted by: Michele L Folsom, Director of Administrative Computing, ITS
Canisius University faculty member Dr. Richard D. Reitsma was invited by the Executive Secretary of the Association of Jesuit Universities in Latin America -AUSJAL to write an article and craft a poster on LGBTQIA+ issues in Jesuit Pedagogy for the Symposium on Educational Innovation in October 2023 at the Javeriana University in Cali, Colombia.
Dr. Reitsma attended the symposium, which was conducted alongside the meeting of rectors and vice-rectors as they worked on the new strategic plan for the network of Latin American Jesuit Universities. Dr. Reitsma’s article has now been published in the Carta de AUSJAL, which informs the strategic plans of the AUSJAL system. Click here to read the article (written in Spanish).
Although AUSJAL is separate from AJCU, Dr. Reitsma collaborates extensively with many of the universities in Latin America as part of the Virtual Dual Immersion program, short-term study abroad programs, research and graduate teaching, and other activities.
Submitted by: Secil Ertorer, Associate Prof. Sociology and BMI