by browkaa | Feb 2, 2024 | Staff
Canisius University’s Joseph J. Naples Conversations in Christ and Culture Lecture and Performance Series will welcome two renowned speakers to campus during the spring 2024 semester. The annual series fosters conversations about important issues involving the relationship between Christianity and culture. It promotes cooperation and understanding across religious, gender and ethnic lines.
The spring 2024 lecture series kicks off on Tuesday, February 13 with Vigen Guroian, PhD, professor emeritus of religious studies (Eastern Christianity) at the University of Virginia, who will deliver a lecture titled “The Meaning of Mentor: Touchstones of Literature.” The event begins at 5:00 p.m. in the Grupp Fireside Lounge of the Richard E. Winter ’42 Student Center and is free and open to the public.
Click here to add this event to your digital calendar.
An Orthodox Christian theologian, Guroian has written widely on ethics, politics, culture, literature and education. In addition to his academic role at the University of Virginia, he is a senior fellow at both the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Reneal in Mecosta, MI and the Center on Law and Religion at Emory University.
Guroian is the author of several books, as well as editor of an edition of Russell Kirk’s ghost stories, Ancestral Shadows: An Anthology of Ghostly Tales. He has also published nearly 200 articles in books and journals on a range of subjects including marriage and family, children’s literature, ecology, liturgy and ethics, genocide, and medical ethics.
Guroian received a BA from the University of Virginia and a PhD in theology and culture from Drew University.
Click here to read more about additional upcoming events.
Submitted by: University Communications
by herberte | Feb 2, 2024 | Staff

Canisius named Heather M. Campbell professional director of the Canisius Center for Analytics and Data Ecosystems (CCADE).
Campbell’s responsibilities include building partnerships between the university and the Western New York data community. As professional director, she promotes the university’s data-related programs, recruits students, and secures internship opportunities and grants.
Before joining Canisius, Campbell served as education coordinator for The Jacobs Institute. She previously was program coordinator of professional science master’s programs at SUNY Buffalo State University.
Campbell earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Concordia College and a master’s degree in cancer immunology from the University at Buffalo.
Submitted by: University Communications
by Aimee Larson | Feb 2, 2024 | Staff

The PA program was fortunate again this year to receive a substantial grant from the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation to continue our efforts toward diversifying the healthcare workforce. This grant allows us to provide seven scholarships that will cover half of each student’s tuition in addition to the ability to cover diversity initiatives and support for smaller daily living burdens for our students. While there are a number of very deserving students who applied, these seven recipients stood out for the adversity they faced on their journey to PA school and their overwhelming commitment to our mission. Congratulations to (from left to right): Tagreed Al Abed, Farrah Shidid, Danielle Haynes, Moamal Flayh, Fattimah Fakih, Shwe Aye, and Karishma Agarwal.
Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Larson, Program Director, PA Studies
by Tanya Loughead | Feb 2, 2024 | Staff
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2024 I. Joan Lorch Award for Women & Gender Studies. This award honors “a person who has made a significant contribution to women and who exemplifies the pursuit of liberation and justice regarding sex, gender, and sexuality.”
The three categories for the Lorch award are: (1) Student award: this award honors any current undergraduate or graduate student at Canisius College; (2) Canisius colleague award: this award honors any current Canisius University employee (faculty, staff, or administrator — full or part time), and; (3) Community member award: this award honors any member of the wider community who is not a current student or employee of Canisius University.
The celebration to honor the three awardees will take place during the month of March, Women’s History Month.
Deadline for nominations is February 15, 2024. All nominations should include: your name, your nominee’s name and contact information, and a 100-200 word description as to why the nominee is a deserving recipient of the Lorch award. The nomination form can be filled out here:
Submitted by: Tanya Loughead, Professor, Department of Philosophy and Women & Gender Studies
by Rachel Massaro | Feb 2, 2024 | Staff

Mark your calendars: The undergraduate admissions staff will be welcoming accepted students for the Canisius University Class of 2028 to campus on Sunday, April 14 and Saturday, April 27 for Accepted Students Day events!
We are excited for our prospective students to have the opportunity to connect with various departments on campus through these event experiences! More details will be forthcoming.
Submitted by: Rachel Massaro, Director of Academic Achievement, Griff Center for Student Success