Magis, from the Latin term “more,” is a Jesuit principle that invites us to do more, be more and achieve more for the greater glory of God.

Patrick C. Minehan ’50, MS ’52, embodied this Jesuit ideal.

A humble individual and long-time educator, he was an generous benefactor of the college, having supported students philanthropically beginning in 1975, when he made his first of 49 leadership gifts to alma mater.  When thanked for his giving spirit and outpouring of support, he responded, “Money well spent.”

Minehan placed a high value on education and that spirit has become his legacy.

Thanks to a very generous gift made possible through Pat Minehan’s estate, new and increased gifts to the Canisius Fund – the area of greatest need – will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to $500,000 during the 2021-22 annual campaign, which concludes on May 31, 2022.

By giving more, you help our students be more and do more on behalf of others, in the same way Minehan has inspired us with his continued support of Canisius.

You can participate in the Minehan Magis Challenge by designating a gift amount to be withdrawn from your paycheck through payroll deduction. If interested, visit to set up your payroll deduction gift. If you prefer not to give via payroll deduction, you can make a one-time gift at

Submitted by: Summer Handzlik, Sr. director, Annual Giving & Stewardship