by lyj1 | Oct 29, 2021 | Faculty
Julie Anna Golebiewski, PhD, associate professor of economics and finance, spoke with The Buffalo News about the lower unemployment rate this year, while having fewer workers in the region.
To read more click here.
Submitted by: College Communications
by Bethany Voorhees | Oct 29, 2021 | Faculty

No tricks – only treats for the department that wins today’s campus-wide Halloween costume contest. In order to be considered in this friendly competition, submit photos of your department dress-up to Audrey Browka at browkaa@canisius.ed, by the end of the day, today. The department that’s selected as having the most creative costume wins a pizza party.
Submitted by: Bethany Voorhees, executive associate, President’s Office
by Bethany Voorhees | Oct 29, 2021 | Faculty
The Human Resources Department is pleased to announce that Erin Zack is the Canisius College Employee of Distinction for September 2021. Erin was nominated for this award by Sandy Miller and Courtney Sullivan.

Erin currently works as the director of alumni engagement and was selected for this award because of her enthusiasm for her job and for the college, which is very evident to all who come in contact with her. Erin is hard-working, creative, flexible, open-minded, and a great team player. All of these qualities were especially helpful during the difficult transition to the virtual world. Erin worked hard to keep alumni engaged during the pandemic by sending out regular communications, deploying new virtual methods to connect alumni with one another, and organizing several professional development opportunities and virtual reunions for alumni.
Overall, Erin has made an invaluable impact on the college and among alumni through her positive attitude, willingness to help, strong work ethic, friendly demeanor, and overall commitment to the mission of the college.
Please join the Human Resources Department in congratulating Erin on this achievement!
To nominate a co worker for the upcoming months, click here.
Submitted by: Bethany Voorhees, executive associate, President’s Office
by Kathleen Jane McMahon | Oct 29, 2021 | Faculty
Students in Barbara Irwin, PhD and Jamie O’Neil’s communication classes are teaming up this semester to create episodes of the Magis Podcast, featuring student-faculty dialogues at Canisius College.
In this week’s episode, titled, Motivating Athletes and Overcoming Adversity, Erika Joseph (COM/PSY ‘22) and Professor of Kinesiology Karl Kozlowski, PhD, take an in-depth look at overcoming adversity and the struggles that come with injuries, and dissect the influence of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation on an athlete.
This episode of the student-created podcast was produced by Conor Zillisch ‘24 (COM & ECO), Erika Joseph ‘22 (COM & PSY), Lilly McDonnell ‘23 (COM), Vincent Barile ‘22 (DMA), and Ryan Clark ‘22 (DMA). This episode is NOW AVAILABLE on YouTube and Spotify! Click the link below to listen:
Submitted by: Katie McMahon, graduate assistant, Communication Studies Department
by Tyler Kron-Piatek | Oct 29, 2021 | Faculty
In December, survey and data-gathering tool Qualtrics will receive a new, improved screen for generating results visualizations and reports. For a few months, users will be able to choose the old Reports dashboard. or a new Results dashboard and toolset, before the old Reports screen is phased out.
- In early December the new Results screen will appear as an option to project owners and editors.
- In February, the new Results screen will be the default, with the old Reports screen still available until June.
- In June, 2022, old reports will become read-only for three months before disappearing.
- Users should anticipate downloading any reports in existing surveys in Summer 2022.
You can get details about the new results dashboard here.
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Submitted by: Tyler J. Kron-Piatek, academic technologist, COLI