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The Fine Arts Department invites you to sit back and enjoy the recording of a senior student recital performed by Valerie Diamond ’21 in Montante Cultural Center. It is available by clicking here.

As part of her requirements for her bachelors of arts in music degree, Valerie performed works by Bach, Brahms, Schumann, Chopin, Clementi, Schoenmehl and Heller, and  was accompanied for part of her recital by Adjunct Professor Ellen Barnum, bassoon. Valerie is a student from the studio of Karen Schmid.

While she may not hear echoes of “Bravissima!” and “Encore!” from us, we celebrate Valerie’s achievements and wish her every success.

Submitted by: Yvonne K. Widenor, visiting assistant professor and program director, Art History, Fine Arts Department;  director and studio art galleries Director, ArtsCanisius