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Baccalaureate Mass

Members of the Canisius Community are invited to join Campus Ministry for Baccalaureate Mass for the Class of 2020 and Class of 2021 on Thursday May 27 at 6:00pm in Christ the King Chapel.  Due to Covid-19 safety guidelines, we are limiting the Mass to graduating students from both class years, faculty and staff.

Please use the following link to register and reserve your spot to attend the Mass:  For more information, please contact Rev. Jack Mattimore, at

Submitted by: Kaitlyn Buehlmann, Associate Campus Minister, Campus Ministry

Aging and Autism Study Presents

The Institute for Autism Research (IAR) and the Department of Psychology hosted a virtual presentation for research participants and community partners about its Aging and Autism Study. More information about the study including a recording of the presentation are available by clicking here.

Submitted by: Jennifer Lodi-Smith and Jonathan Rodgers, Psychology/IAR

Faculty Meetups Each Thursday

A reminder that there are a faculty meetups every week on Thursdays at 2:00 p.m.

Meet fellow faculty and academic staff in an informal atmosphere, where we discuss pedagogy and ways to make our teaching more effective and courses more manageable. Bring your questions for fellow colleagues!

If you are interested, please Email to receive the Zoom information.

Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, academic technologist, COLI

Third-Party Integrations in D2L

This summer, as you prepare your courses for the fall 2021 semester, consider having third-party integrations for textbooks, online activities or exam tools added to D2L Course Spaces.

Before requesting this, carefully read COLI’s policy on these integrations, which can be found here.

These integrations vary widely in quality and the extent to which vendors or providers support students and faculty. COLI and ITS’ first priority is the health and reliability of course spaces and tools used by all faculty, and we will reject any tool we think potentially threatens any or all courses.

Plan to request these integrations as soon as possible. The last date to submit requests will be Thursday, July 15, 2021. COLI’s successful implementation of these integrations depends on the process according to the third-party content providers’ instructions.

Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, academic technologist, COLI