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Wiki Updates

A few updates concerning the Canisius College wiki:

  • After March 1, 2021, the gray lefthand sidebar will be minimized by default. Although still available, it will not automatically appear to users on desktop or laptop computers. While the sidebar appears to provide a navigation menu, it does not always do this in the most efficient way.  More importantly, the sidebar does not appear on mobile devices so it should not be relied upon to assist users in navigating wiki pages and spaces.  You can provide much better navigation within your own pages, using tools outlined here.
  • Revisit your wiki pages and update the materials there. This includes files attached to pages. If your pages are available to anyone, so is any out-of-date information posted there or in attached files, even if they are not linked on visible pages.
  • As part of an effort to assist offices and departments across the college, the Center for Online Learning and Innovation has updated and augmented our guide to using the Canisius College Wiki. The guide provides information on how to improve wiki pages, as well as some time-saving tools and tips. Access the guide here.

If you don’t have a wiki page yet, you can request that COLI create you a page. Follow the guide and add content, create subsequent pages and manage access.

With the overwhelming volume of Emails crowding into faculty, staff and student inboxes, information distributed solely through Email will likely get buried and users will later struggle to find it. Trying to distribute important information by email could be problematic. Consider including it in the wiki where users can continually refer back to it. Save time and Email links to wiki pages that users can bookmark in browsers.

Email for any questions concerning the wiki.

Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, academic technologist, COLI

Spring Events via Zoom? Plan ahead!

Each spring many departments, programs and offices hold events on campus where we celebrate student success, recognize the outstanding efforts and achievements of faculty and staff and sustain our campus community. As it has so much in the past year, Covid-19 may prevent us from gathering for these events on campus.

Zoom is an option for bringing faculty, students and staff together, and in the absence of face-to-face contact has admittedly kept us remarkably connected. But this is complicated technology, and a lot of things must work properly for Zoom meetings or webinars to work. What we do in Zoom takes place in real-time, and preparation beforehand is vital for success. After all, it’s complicated to broadcast live television, too.

If you anticipate using Zoom to host an event for your office or department, we recommend you begin preparing as soon as you can:

  • Don’t wait until you are in a hurry. Decide exactly what you want beforehand. List the details such as what should happen in the event? Determine if everyone will be remote or if some people be together on campus.
  • Then, read or watch all relevant tutorials and instructions in our Zoom resource and at Zoom’s support site. We also run Zoom trainings throughout the semester, which are a great way to learn how various Zoom options work. Ask us specific questions about Zoom via the Canisius College ITS Helpdesk. It’s safe to say that learning how to use Zoom is a good investment since it’s an important way to communicate.
  • Have the necessary hardware and check that it works before committing to any Zoom plan. Does your personal microphone sound good and work properly? Do you require a microphone and camera for use by multiple participants in the same room? Contact the Canisius College Media Center for advice and support concerning microphones, speakers, and cameras.
  • If speakers or other prominent participants are joining from off-campus, ask them to pick a good space where noise levels are low and lighting is good. They should also make certain they have the necessary gear.
  • Prepare your devices. Close extra browser tabs you have open and restart your laptop so the operating system is running smoothly. Older computers running earlier operating systems (Windows or Mac) may need to be upgraded or replaced. Try out external microphones, speakers or cameras before the event. If you are using a Canisius computer, you may need to consult ITS User Services for help in updating your operating system or properly configuring a microphone headset.
  • Test it beforehand! If you need, create a free, private Zoom account, separate from your Canisius account. You’ll need a separate email address for this. Then use two devices, your PC and smartphone, to join a test Zoom meeting. Another option is to join department or office colleagues in a Zoom meeting so you can all try out whatever features you are planning to use. Invite any featured or prominent outside participants to join this short test meeting. Verify that your hardware, Zoom account and Zoom app are all working together and that you know how to use features you need. Run through as many steps as possible in this rehearsal.
  • Ask students to help you test. They’re often patient and happy to help.

Some of this advice closely parallels information we’ve issued about data gathering tools like Qualtrics or D2L quizzes. These are also complicated technologies that operate in real-time. Tutorials are essential for learning how Zoom works. ITS and COLI personnel can help you troubleshoot problems or find workarounds. If you decide to use Zoom for a big event, with only days to spare and without trying out your plans beforehand, there’s a greater chance that last-minute support won’t fix the problems that may arise.

Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, academic technologist, COLI

Live Well, Work Well

Staying healthy is a lot to think about and can sometimes get to be pretty overwhelming to manage. Lawley Benefits Group provides some advice on small steps you can take to develop better eating, sleeping and hygiene habits which all contribute to living a healthier lifestyle.

Submitted by: Bethany Voorhees, executive associate, President’s Office