Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion Fatima Rodriguez Johnson is joined by her colleagues in the COPE Office on Canisius Giving Day
Kim Ventii, vice president for institutional advancement (bottom, left). is joined by members of her team on Canisius Giving Day
Linda Walleshauser (center), associate vice president for human resources and compliance, poses for a selfie with the rest of her HR team
Jennifer Herrmann (3rd from left), associate dean of student success, joins her team outside The Griff Center on Canisius Giving Day
JoAnn Feary and Denise Flannery, from the Controller’s Office, take time out for a selfie on Canisius Giving Day
Interim Director of Undergraduate Admissions Lindsay Miller (far right) joins her team to show their #OneCanisius spirit on Canisius Giving Day
The campus community wasn’t able to gather for a group photo on #CanisiusGivingDay, as it has in the past … BUT … that didn’t stop administrators and staff across campus from showing their #OneCanisius spirit. Here are just a few of the snapshots shared on Wednesday, March 3.
In One Day, One Community came together for One Canisius. Thank you!
Canisius Giving Day 2021 was nothing short of amazing. The #OneCanisius spirit proved stronger than ever with 1,876 donors making 2,291 gifts for a total of $353,549 in just 24-hours. Wow! Gifts were made in support of the Canisius Fund, academic programs, athletics teams, institutes and scholarships.
The generosity showed by thousands will make an immeasurable difference for our students. As the video above states, Giving Day 2021 has passed but the impact of your gift – and the gifts of so many others – is just beginning.
Submitted by: Summer Handzlik, director, Canisius Fund
We’re a full year into dealing with Covid-19 and it’s clear how hard everyone has been working to do their best in the face of so many challenges and transitions. As a small token of appreciation, take a break and enjoy a cup of coffee or hot chocolate on President Hurley from the Tim Hortons on campus! We look forward to the days when we can all gather together again and celebrate as a community.
Faculty and staff should stop by the Human Resources Office in Old Main 100 or the President’s Office in Bagen 100 between 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. to obtain a voucher for a medium-sized coffee or hot chocolate. Vouchers are valid to use today, Monday, March 8.
If you have any questions, please contact Bethany Voorhees at 716-888-2100 or
Mary J. Wardell-Ghirarduzzi, PhD, vice provost and chief diversity officer at the University of San Francisco (USF) will present a webinar on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 from 4 – 5:30 p.m. Register here for the talk titled, “A Call to Conversion: Eliminating Anti-Blackness as a Jesuit Catholic University.”
Please note that the date of this webinar has changed from February 24. The registration link remains the same.
“Lean into Lent,” a scriptural reflection series, continues this week on Wednesday, March 10 at 12:30 p.m.
Matt Gorczyca ’13, MS ’15, assistant director of the Canisius Fund, will give the first reflection. Elizabeth Fuhrmann ’15, will deliver a second reflection at 7:00 p.m.
Please contact Sarah Signorino, director of Mission & Identity, at with any questions. All are welcome!
Submitted by: Sarah Signorino, director, Mission & Identity