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Hoffman Shares Research at Colloquia Presentation

Please gather with the College of Arts and Sciences for its annual colloquia presentation, wine and cheese reception on Wednesday March 1 at 3:30 p.m. in the Regis Room. The colloquia will celebrate the work of Christy Hoffman, PhD, assistant professor of animal behavior, ecology and conversation (ABEC). Hoffman will present her research on “Thinking Outside the Kennel: Data-Driven Ways of Getting Pets Out of the Shelter…And Keeping Them Out.”

Animal shelters are commonly run on extremely tight budgets so maximizing efficiency means maximizing lives saved. Hoffman and her students took a critical look at common shelter practices. They evaluated whether marketing efforts featuring black dogs are worthwhile and whether photo quality impacts the amount of attention cats receive on websites such as Petfinder. The group also explored the challenges faced by shelter organizations that bring in dogs from distant locations. Hoffman will share the outcomes of these studies and will discuss some ways that shelters partner with their communities to reduce the numbers of dogs and cats in need of sheltering.

Hoffman’s research focuses on dog behavior and factors that contribute to the quality of humans’ relationships with companion animals. She completed her undergraduate studies in anthropology and biological psychology at the College of William and Mary, and her PhD in comparative human development at the University of Chicago. Hoffman conducts her dog behavior and shelter-based research in collaboration with Canisius College undergraduate and graduate students. These projects have resulted in numerous publications and conference presentations.

All faculty and staff are welcome! Please join us for this event!

Submitted by: Veronica Serwacki, executive associate, College of Arts and Sciences

Brenda Berkman Kicks Off Women’s History Month

BerkmanBrenda Berkman broke the glass ceiling of the NYC Fire Department in 1982 so that 40 women could join the 10,000 men risking their lives to fight fires daily. As the kick-off speaker for Women’s History Month on March 1, Berkman will share her exceptional life story that earned her the nickname “the first female firefighter in NYC” and the Woman of Courage Award from the National Organization for Women. The event, which is free and open to the public, will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Regis Room.

Berkman, also an attorney at the time, filed and won a lawsuit against the city of New York on the basis of gender discrimination. In 1982, the New York City Fire Department tests were changed to be more job-related. For years afterwards, the women faced mental, physical and sexual abuse. The PBS documentary Taking the Heat: The First Women Firefighters of New York City chronicles the journey of Berkman and others in the FDNY.

When asked why she chose to keep working in this hostile environment, Berkman explained, “I found out I loved firefighting—I loved helping the people and the physical and mental challenges of the job. I would no longer accept people telling me I couldn’t do something because I was a girl.”

Berkman fought fires for 25 years, retiring as a captain, saving lives and changing lives right up to the present as she continuously champions the cause of all groups experiencing workplace discrimination.

Please join us for the rare opportunity to hear and meet Captain Brenda Berkman, a woman who truly challenged stereotypes and changed history. The event is sponsored by the Women & Gender Studies Program and the All-College Honors Program.

Click here to read more.

Submitted by: Kate M. Dierenfield, adjunct professor, history

Lent 2017 Events: “I Thirst”

Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and giving for dozens of Christian communities. This year, Campus Ministry’s Lenten programming echoes the words of Jesus from the Cross: “I Thirst.” Consider places where you and others thirst for something greater by participating in some of the Lenten practices. Consider devoting time to prayer by attending weekly Adoration or joining a faith-sharing group. Hear Rev. Greg Boyle, SJ, speak about kinship and how gang members in Los Angeles thirst for a second chance at life.

For more information on these programs, contact Paul Stage in Campus Ministry at Ext. 2423 or by email at

Submitted by: Paul Stage, associate campus minister, Campus Ministry

Griff Center Spring Workshop Series

On Thursday, March 30 from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. in Horan O’Donnell 014, the Griff Center will host a Time Management and Academic Success workshop as part of its Spring Workshop Series. Take one step closer to achieving your academic goals by attending!

Attendees will discuss strategies to enhance time management and studying habits and receive tools to implement quality organizational skills.

Sign up today using Handshake!

Submitted by: Hilary Andelora, senior counselor, Griff Center

Campus Candid

Check out the photos from Petey’s party. The celebration was held prior to the men’s basketball game on February 24 against Fairfield.

Submitted by: College Communications