Complete Your Self-Assessment by June 15th

The performance appraisal process at Canisius College is designed to encourage open discussion between our managers and employees to review progress, establish priorities and discuss career development opportunities across the campus. The first step in this process is to complete your self-assessment.

You are encouraged to reach out to Human Resources if you need any assistance in completing your self-assessment. Now is the time to prepare for a meaningful conversation with your manager.

To access your self-assessment: Log into MyCanisius-Applications-HR Appraisal

  • When the employee submits his or her self-assessment, it will be available to the manager to utilize in preparing the performance appraisal. Self-assessments are designed to facilitate the performance discussion.
  • An employee will complete the appropriate form and it will be forwarded to the manager.  The manager will complete the performance appraisal and then schedule a meeting to review the details and finalize goals for the next year.
  • Once completed, the manager will then submit the appraisal. The employee will receive the final document and add comments and sign to acknowledge the appraisal was received and reviewed.
  • The appraisal will be available to view at the vice president level.
  • If you have any questions, please contact Linda Walleshauser at Ext. 2244 or or Jennifer Skowron at Ext. 2247 or

Submitted by: Linda Walleshauser, associate vice president, human resources and compliance

Happy Hour at Lloyd and Coaches’ Huddle at Resurgence

The Office of Alumni Engagement and the Buffalo Niagara Alumni Chapter are hosting a happy hour at Lloyd Taco Factory on Thursday, June 9 from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. The cost is $10 per person which includes a “Griff” signature drink and taco.

Lloyd Taco Factory
1503 Hertel Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14216

On Wednesday, June 22, the Office of Alumni Engagement and the Canisius Athletic Department are hosting a Coaches’ Huddle event at Resurgence Brewery from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

On deck for the event are Dave Smith, head coach, men’s hockey; Terry Zeh, head coach, women’s basketball; Bill Maher, athletic director; and the newly-named head coach of men’s basketball, Reggie Witherspoon.

Resurgence Brewery
1250 Niagara Street
Buffalo, NY 14213

All attendees will be entered to win Griff merchandise and game tickets. Admission to the event is free and includes a complimentary buffet with a cash bar.

If you are interested in attending any of these events, please contact the Office of Alumni Engagement at Ext. 2700.

Submitted by: Sharon Kasperczyk, alumni engagement officer, alumni engagement

Nominate Honorees for 2017 Commencement Ceremonies

Now that our 2016 Commencement Exercises are completed, we are beginning the process of planning for next year’s ceremonies. I would like to ask for your help in nominating deserving candidates for honorary degrees for the 2017 Commencement. I have listed the general guidelines below for your information. Please provide background information on your nominees to help the Board of Trustees with the selection process.

Honorary degrees are intended to recognize people who have made significant contributions to society and whom Canisius College wishes to incorporate as members of the Canisius academic family. The following criteria have been adopted by the Board of Trustees:

  1. The honorary degrees awarded are usually a Doctor of Humane Letters or a Doctor of Laws.
  2. Such awards are made for special distinguished achievement in the arts, sciences, professions, business, commerce, education, and other significant fields of human endeavor. We are open to international, national and local nominees.
  3. The achievements recognized should generally be such as to improve human society and inspire others to work towards similar achievements.
  4. Individuals so honored should be of good moral character, who will reflect credit upon Canisius College, as a Catholic and Jesuit institution.
  5. It is customary to award approximately three or four honorary degrees each year, including the commencement speakers.
  6. Insofar as possible, the slate of awardees each year should reflect a balance among different fields of endeavor and the various segments of American society, including gender.
  7. These criteria are meant to be guidelines and suggestions rather than binding criteria. It remains in the power of the Trustees of Canisius College to award honorary degrees according to their best judgment. Final approval of all academic degrees, both earned and honorary, rests with the Board of Trustees.

We also would like to receive nominations for the 2017 commencement speakers for the undergraduate and graduate ceremonies. The following guidelines apply to the commencement speakers:

  1. If possible, the speaker should have some connection with Canisius College, higher education or the local Western New York community.
  2. The speaker should be a competent public speaker.
  3. The speaker will not be a candidate for public office in the year in which the commencement takes place.
  4. All other things being equal, preference will be given to graduates of Canisius College who have distinguished themselves in their career and have been a credit to alma mater.

Suggestions for the above candidates should be submitted in writing to the President’s office by August 1, 2016 by emailing Erica Sammarco, associate vice president, assistant to the president, at

Please note, if you submitted a nomination in a prior year, but that person has not yet been selected, their name remains on a master list of candidates and will be considered by the Board in the next cycle.

Many thanks for your time and consideration.

Submitted by: Laura A. Montaro, executive associate, Office of the President