Dream, Girl, a documentary produced by Erin E. Bagwell ’09, will be screened at the White House on May 26 in the South Auditorium for 180 key individuals from Capitol Hill, along with the film’s cast and friends and family of the filmmakers. The world premiere of Dream, Girl will be held in New York City on June 9.
Dream, Girl is a documentary that showcases the empowering stories of women-run companies and the founders whose ambition and dedication drive them. Dream, Girl features several female founders from a variety of diverse companies in tech, fashion, non-profit organizations and advertising.
In her documentary, Bagwell takes an inside look at these businesses, including the risks, challenges, struggles and successes. She examines cultural forces that make today the most exciting time in history for women to start a business, and explores the deeply-rooted conventions, gender roles, and sexism that can hold women back despite their progress.
Like many others, Bagwell became disenfranchised with her job—in her case, as an interactive designer for a digital company. But unlike most people, she woke up one day and decided to change her fate. Bagwell launched her own website, Feminist Wednesday, for which she interviewed many women about their personal and professional accomplishments. Inspired by their stories, she decided to make Dream, Girl, a documentary about empowered female entrepreneurs. But first she had to raise some money.
Bagwell shared her own personal story and the outpouring of support from women was extraordinary. She was able to raise $104,157 on kickstarter.com – nearly double her $57,000 goal. Bagwell produced Dream, Girl with those funds.
Bagwell is a 2009 graduate of Canisius with a degree in digital media arts (with a digital filmmaking concentration) and an alumna of the Canisius College Video Institute.
“The Video Institute gave me the experience, confidence and foundation I needed to go into the real world and trust I had the video skills to work at a production company. When I didn’t land the perfect job, I created it myself.”
Bagwell is a New York City-based filmmaker, graphic designer and feminist blogger.
Submitted by: Public Relations