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The Canisius College Chorale invites students, faculty and staff to join its ranks for its upcoming Spring season of concerts.

The choir’s first rehearsal will take place on Monday, January 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the Montante Cultural Center. Rehearsals will continue each Monday evening at the same time. Auditions are NOT necessary for membership and everyone is welcome.

The course numbers for Chorale are FAM 181 (CRN: 40136) for 1 credit and FAM 171 (CRN: 40133) for 0 credit.

The Chorale just ended a very successful Fall season that included performances throughout Western New York. Its acclaimed “Sacred Spaces” series brought hosts of eager listeners to a number of the region’s most beautiful and historic churches. And the choir’s annual Winter Concert drew a capacity audience to the college’s Montante Cultural Center again this year.

The coming season’s activities include performances in some of the region’s finest concert venues, including a February 4 performance with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra.

Consider membership in the Canisius Chorale!

For more information, call Ext.2536, 716-907-0466 or email the Chorale at

Submitted by: Frank Scinta, adjunct professor of Fine Arts