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You’re Invited: Marketing & Communication Open House

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 16, when the Office of Marketing & Communication will host an Open House, from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

The entire campus community is invited to visit us in Lyons Hall, Room 209, where you’ll meet our new team members and reconnect with the “old.”

It’s also a great opportunity to learn more about how Public Relations, Creative Services and Web Services can help support your programs and projects, and to share important information about your latest research, news and events.

If nothing else, stop by to enjoy some refreshments and score a free T-shirt. See you then!

Submitted by: Marketing and Communication

October is Fire Safety Month

The cooler temperatures of fall may be on the way, but cooler temperatures also bring an increase in home fires. It is recommended that every home be equipped with smoke alarms and have a home evacuation plan.

Draw a floor plan of your house and sketch out the exit routes. Review this with your family and assign an outside meeting place so if the family escapes by different routes, you can quickly locate each other. Decide who is to take charge of smaller children. Now is also the time to change the battery in your smoke alarm!

Submitted by: Joe Roetter, safety director

Braun-Ruddick Seismograph Station At Earth Science Day

Mark Castner, director of the Braun-Ruddick Seismograph Station, will represent Canisius on Saturday, October 12 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the annual Earth Science Day at the Penn Dixie Paleontological and Outdoor Education Center. The event is run by the Hamburg Natural History Society.

At this unique event, visitors will have the opportunity to view a drill rig up close and in action during a coring demonstration, talk to geologists and earth scientists about what they do, ask questions of knowledgeable professionals about drilling for oil and gas, find out about earthquakes and see a seismograph in operation, learn about fossils, view the sun and solar flares through special telescopes, and collect and keep all the fossils they find.

This event is free and open to the public, and will be held rain or shine. Fossil collecting will be held on the same site, and is free for members of the Hamburg Natural History Society, $7 for non-member adults, and $6 for non-member children. Free parking onsite is available and most of the exhibits are sheltered. Further information is available at

Submitted by: Mark Castner, director, Braun-Ruddick Seismograph Station

Music as Mystagogy: Catechizing Through the Sacred Arts

The Annual Hesburgh Lecture is being co-sponsored by The Notre Dame Club of Buffalo & WNY and The Church Musicians’ Guild of Buffalo . This year’s Hesburgh Lecture will be held on Saturday, October 12 at 10:00 a.m. at Christ The King Seminary, 711 Knox Road, East Aurora.

The presenter will be Rev. Michael S. Driscoll, PhD, associate professor of theology at Notre Dame and the founding director of the Master’s Program in Sacred Music. His presentation is entitled: “Music as Mystagogy: Catechizing Through the Sacred Arts”. His lecture will consider the role of music, as well as the other sacred arts, in forming our Christian beliefs. How do the liturgical arts impart that deep-felt knowledge of head and heart and faith, the knowledge that nurtures whole human persons and inspires a knowing from the inside out?

Fr. Driscoll received his doctorate from the University of Paris. His scholarly interests are in the area of liturgy and sacramental theology. Driscoll has published a book entitled Alcuin et la penitence a l’epoque carolingienne, LFQ 81 (Munster: Aschendorff Verlag, 1999) and numerous articles in journals such as Worship, Ecclesia Orans, and Traditio. He has served for many years as convener of the study group in Medieval Liturgy for the North American Academy of Liturgy, of which he was president (2002-03). He also is a member of the international ecumenical association, Societas Liturgica, to which he was elected a member of the executive council (2002-08). Fr. Driscoll has served as an advisor to the Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy, a standing committee of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Recently, he was elected an officer and president-elect of the Catholic Academy of Liturgy (2010-12).

The Hesburgh Lecture is open to the public and free of charge.

However, it is also part of the larger the 24th Annual Convocation of The Church Musicians’ Guild of Buffalo, which begins on Friday, October 11 from 5:00 to 9:00 PM and continues from 8:00 to 2:30 PM on Saturday, October 12.

Submitted by:  Paul Sauer, PhD, professor, marketing

Men’s Basketball Hosts Faculty/Staff Open House

Head coach Jim Baron personally invites all Canisius faculty and staff to watch an open practice on Wednesday, Oct. 9, from 3-5 p.m., in the Koessler Athletic Center.

Coach Baron will speak to everyone in attendance before practice gets started at 3 p.m. Come see the Griffs workout in person and get a feel for why the team is so excited for the upcoming 2013-14 season.

Submitted by:  Matt Reitnour, director/athletic communications, athletics