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It was only a matter of time.  A rogue anti-malware program called MACDefender, which attacks Macintosh computers, has started to appear on the Internet.

When a user clicks on a link after performing a search using Google or another search engine, they are taken to a website which contains a nefarious JavaScript that automatically downloads a file.  If a specific option in a web browser is checked (open “safe” files after downloading in Safari, for example), the file will be automatically opened.  The file is decompressed, and the installer it contains launches presenting a user with a screen to install MACDefender software.  ITS asks that Mac users do not proceed and quit this installer.

If a user continues through the installation process, and enters an administrator’s password, this malware software will be installed.  It is important that users NOT continue with any unexpected installation of this type.  For now, the threat is low, but users should be careful not to install software when installers open unexpectedly.

Those Mac users who have any questions about software being installed or fear a computer is infected with this software, please call the ITS Help Desk at Ext. 2299.

Submitted by: Scott Clark, computer support specialist, ITS