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As the end of the semester quickly approaches, it is time to share pertinent information concerning one of the most important series of events for our college: Commencement Week 2011.

Please share this information with anyone in who may not ordinarily read electronic information.

The schedule for the Spring Honors Convocation, Baccalaureate Mass, Commencement exercises and related activities is listed below.  All faculty members are expected and encouraged to attend the ceremonies pertaining to the level at which they teach, since students look forward to having their mentors join them in celebration of their academic accomplishments.

Graduate Ceremony (May 18)
All faculty members (especially those who teach graduate students) are invited to attend the Graduate Exercises on Wednesday, May 18 in Koessler Athletic Center.  Please assemble in the Patrick Lee Center adjacent to the Koessler Athletic Center (KAC) at 6 p.m.  The procession will begin promptly at 6:45 p.m., with the actual ceremony starting at 7 p.m.  At the conclusion of the event, the platform party and faculty will formally recess from the floor.  Academic regalia is worn for this event.

Spring Honors Convocation (May 20)
Honors convocation is now a part of Commencement weekend, making it easier for the families of our graduates to attend this important event.  It will take place on Friday, May 20 at 2 p.m. in the Montante Cultural Center.  At this ceremony, awards will be presented to outstanding graduating seniors from each academic department and various programs.  In addition to student awards, the Kenneth L. Koessler Distinguished Faculty Award will be presented to Ann Marie Lenhardt, PhD, professor, counseling & human services; the Alpha Sigma Nu Book Award will be given to Bruce J. Dierenfield, PhD, professor of history; and the Martin Luther King, Jr., Staff Award will be given to Stephen F. Liebig, mail stock clerk.  Refreshments will be served following this event to all honorees and their guests.  Faculty members are asked to assemble in the Old Main Faculty Lounge no later than 1:40 p.m. for the procession.  In the event of inclement weather, please gather in the rear reception area of Montante Cultural Center.  Academic regalia is worn for this event.

Baccalaureate Mass in Honor of All Members of the Class of 2011 (May 20)
Friday, May 20 at 5 p.m., the Baccalaureate Mass will be celebrated in the KAC with Bishop Edward U. Kmiec, DD, Bishop of Buffalo as the principal celebrant.  Members of the Jesuit community will concelebrate, and Rev. Michael F. Tunney, S.J., rector of the Jesuit community, will be the homilist.  Faculty members will assemble for the procession on the first floor of the KAC in the hallway next to the gymnasium at 4:45 p.m.  The procession begins promptly at 4:55 p.m.  Academic regalia is worn for the Mass.  The Undergraduate Student Association will sponsor a reception following the Mass in the Patrick Lee Center to give Canisius faculty and staff members an opportunity to meet the graduates’ families and friends in one final celebration before their Commencement the next day.

Undergraduate Ceremony (May 21)
The undergraduate ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 21, at 11 a.m. in Alumni Arena on the north campus of SUNY at Buffalo.  Please arrive at the Triple Gym (the rear portion of Alumni Arena) no later than 10 a.m.  The academic procession will begin promptly from the Triple Gym at 10:45 a.m.  At the conclusion of the ceremony, the platform party, jubilarians and faculty formally recess from the floor.  Academic regalia is worn for this event.

For the graduate ceremony, Honors Convocation and Baccalaureate Mass, attendees are welcome to park in any available spot on campus.

For the undergraduate ceremony, please park in one of the nearby lots to the right or behind Alumni Arena (follow the direction of their parking attendants).  The easiest route to use is the NYS Thruway (I-90), proceeding to I-290 (Exit 50, the Youngmann Highway) and take Exit 5B, Millersport Highway North.  Proceed on Millersport to the State University exit across from the Northtown Ice Rink (formerly known as the Amherst Pepsi Center) – this is identified as the SUNY at Buffalo Coventry Entrance.  Turn left onto the campus, and Alumni Arena is the building immediately in front.

Family Pictures
Any employee of the college receiving a degree or who has a spouse or child receiving a degree is welcome to have a complimentary family photograph taken immediately following the graduate and undergraduate ceremonies.  Those who sign up for this will be contacted as to where and when to report for this picture.

To make arrangements, click here to RSVP for the above events no later than Friday, May 13.

Any questions may be directed to Rose Marie Castner, special events coordinator for academic affairs, at Ext. 2123 or

Submitted by:  Rose Marie Castner, coordinator of academic affairs special events, academic affairs