by Public Relations | Jul 28, 2010 | Staff
A Message from Scott Chadwick, PhD, Vice President for Academic Affairs
In an effort to develop administrative talent from within the college while not increasing administrative positions on a permanent basis, I have initiated a Senior Administrative Fellows program.
John Dahlberg, PhD |
Leonid Khinkis, PhD |
Senior Administrative Fellows will be senior faculty members who have special skills needed by the college in a timely way. These Fellows may also be interested in testing out administrative work in a way that does not commit them to abandon their teaching positions. Fellows will have teaching responsibilities in their home departments but will report directly to me in their Fellows role and I will serve as a mentor to them, as well. These positions are partly developmental but, given the importance of the work attended to, they are also configured as senior-level administrative positions comparable to those of a Dean or an Associate Vice President.
I have approached a number of faculty about participating in this program. For the upcoming year, I am pleased to announce that two senior faculty members have accepted Senior Administrative Fellow appointments for the 2010-2011 academic year. John Dahlberg, PhD will be adding his expertise to the institution’s advertising planning and creation efforts. Leonid Khinkis, PhD will be focusing on market and financial aid analysis, new program development, and increasing grant funding for the college.
As we move forward, I know other issues will arise that will fit well with the Senior Administrative Fellow program. If you have interest in participating in the future, please let me know at
Submitted by: Scott Chadwick, PhD, vice president, academic affairs
by Public Relations | Jul 28, 2010 | Staff
In order to install new network equipment, the Canisius network will be briefly disconnected from the Internet on Saturday, July 31 from 6 a.m. until 8a.m. During this time, campus resources will not be accessible from the Internet. Thank you in advance for your patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by this disruption.
Submitted by: Matthew Gracie, information security administrator, ITS
by Public Relations | Jul 28, 2010 | Staff
The Canisius College School of Education and Human Services has been awarded six AmeriCorps members with the AmeriCorps Builds Lives through Education (ABLE) program for the 2010-2011 program year. This initiative was coordinated through the Canisius Office of Educational Partnerships in collaboration with Tapestry Charter School, St. Joseph University School, Nativity Miguel Schools (St. Augustine and St. Monica Scholars), and the Charter School for Applied Technologies.
Candidates currently enrolled in the Graduate School of Education & Human Services in initial or advanced certification programs are eligible to apply for the ABLE assignments in our partner schools. The experience begins January 2011, and ABLE members will work 300 hours over a 10 week period in one of the partner schools. ABLE members receive a stipend, tuition award, child care and healthcare benefits.
The full immersion of ABLE members into the partner school communities will uniquely prepare the candidates for their future teaching positions. Please refer to the recruitment flier here (MS Word) to learn of the qualifications for the ABLE positions. For more information, contact Elizabeth Brandjes, director of educational partnerships, at
Submitted by: Elizabeth Brandjes, director, educational partnerships, School of Education and Human Services
by Public Relations | Jul 28, 2010 | Staff
Human Resources has free advance screening tickets available to all employees and their guests to see The Other Guys starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg on Tuesday, August 3 at the Walden Galleria Regal Cinemas. Tickets are available from Kathy Kelly in Human Resources at Ext. 2240 or via Email at Read more about the movie here.
Submitted by: Kathy Kelly, administrative associate, human resources