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With exam week fast approaching, the Office of Disability Support Services (DSS) would like to provide some information regarding scheduling exams. At this point in the semester, DSS has proctored more than 700 exams. Of those, 360 were make-up exams. Please help DSS to help the students to the best of their ability by informing them of the need to schedule exams with DSS in advance with the specific date and time they are to take it. That will provide DSS with enough notice to determine space and staff needs in order to administer accommodations for students registered with DSS as well as students who need to take make-ups. Please know that if the students are not scheduled and space is not available, DSS will have to ask them to schedule a different day. Also, DSS does not have the ability to proctor group make-up exams.

Submitted by: Jennifer Herrmann, associate director, disability support services