The Canisius Physical and Health Education/Teacher Education (P/HETE) program visited Buffalo Public School (BPS) No. 17 on March 19 and March 26.
Teacher candidates from Dr. Clancy Seymour’s Assessment in Physical Education (PED 371/PEG 571) course collaborated with Marianna Cecchini (Principal), Tricia Vezina (PE teacher) and Canisius P/HETE alumnus Phil Smith (PE teacher) ’13, M.S ’17, to conduct practice assessments with K-4th grade physical education students.
Overall, the K-4 students were treated to an enjoyable experience while immersing nearly 50 P/HETE majors in an authentic educational setting.
The collaboration itself continues to cultivate local BPS partnerships with the Canisius P/HETE program and provides teacher candidates the opportunity to analyze student learning outcome data as part of an evidence-driven approach to pedagogy.
Submitted by: Dr. Clancy M. Seymour, Associate Professor | Director of Health, Physical Education, & Sport Pedagogy, Teacher Education and Leadership