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The Department of Data is a weekly article by Andrew Van Dam in The Washington Post.  Van Dam is business columnist for the paper and writes about the analysis of economic trends.  The Department of Data explores “overlooked and underappreciated data sets to unearth fresh insights that will surprise and delight readers — and maybe even challenge some long-held misconceptions.”  The topics are primarily submitted by readers to address questions like which birds are the biggest jerks at the feeder, is Prince George’s County, MD (a Washington, D.C. suburb) still the richest majority-Black county in America, how many people regret their college major, and more.  The data analyzed is generally from publicly-accessible sets like the U.S. Census Bureau.

Dr. Michael Wood, physics professor and chair of the Department of Quantitative Sciences at Canisius, recently had his question addressed by the Department of Data on June 16, 2023.  He asked if people tend to marry other people at the same academic degree level (PhD to PhD, MD to MD, etc.) as opposed to marrying “up” or “down” (high school diploma to Bachelor’s degree for example).  The article can be found here.

Data can answer many fun and important questions.  If you are interested in data science, Canisius has an undergraduate degree in data science, a master’s degree program in data analytics, and a master’s degree program in business analytics.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Wood at

Submitted by: Michael Wood, PhD, professor, Physics; chair, Department of Quantitative Sciences