Select Page Updates & Tutorials

Mentioned in a previous post, has several new features that COLI has worked hard to update.

Up first, you no longer need to upload files to Google Drive. Instead, you can upload PDF files to a Module in D2L. Just make sure that the PDF is properly OCR’d (optical character recognized). If you are not sure, you can follow’s tutorials on OCR’ing documents.

Secondly, can now be used with Group Assignments. uses D2L Groups to determine the groups for the assignment. If needed, view COLI’s tutorial on creating groups in D2L.

Additionally, it is also easy to edit a Assignment, allowing you to switch out PDF’s and/or make a Assignment into a Group Assignment.

Otherwise, the general steps to create a Assignment have not changed. The above tutorials and other tutorials can be found on the Wiki Page.

Pedagogy Primer Podcast

In the latest episode of COLI’s house podcast, we sit down with Tracy Callaghan, Dr. Jennifer Desiderio, and Mason Bowes to discuss Canisius’ very successful First Year Experience program (FYE). The FYE is a foundational course for most of the university’s new students, and a crucial set of resources to help Golden Griffins start strong in their academic career.

You can find the Pedagogy Primer Podcast at Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, or your favorite podcast app. You can listen to the latest episode here: