by Sandra Miller | May 17, 2023 | Faculty

Zeneta Everhart
Canisius hosted several events as part of the city’s “5/14 Remembrance Weekend: Reflection, Healing & Hope,” formed by Mayor Byron Brown to honor and memorialize the lives lost, and support and pray for all those impacted by the racially-motivated shooting at the Tops Friendly Markets store on the East Side of Buffalo.
On Saturday, May 13, “Turning Trauma into Triumph” was held on the Canisius campus. The event, coordinated by Zeneta Everhart ’11, included conference sessions, a reading by Poet Jillian Hanesworth, a musical performance by Drea D’Nur, African drummers and more.

Jillian Hanesworth

Zeneta Everhart and Mayor Brown
Submitted by: Sandra Miller, Associate Vice President, Institutional Advancement
by Jessica Mitrovits | May 17, 2023 | Faculty
On Sunday, June 4, Canisius College Alumni Weekend will come to a close on a celebratory note.
For nearly a half-century, Pat Greenwald, longtime fundraiser and friend-raiser, aided and abetted by his wife, Becky, set an inspiring example at Canisius through his dedication and commitment to all things Blue & Gold.
Please join us to honor and thank Pat and Becky and wish them well in retirement!
Mass and Brunch to Celebrate
Patrick & Becky Greenwald’s 46 Years of Service to Canisius
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Christ the King Chapel | 10 am
Brunch | Grupp Fireside Lounge | 11 am
To honor Pat and Becky by making a gift to the J. Patrick and Rebecca Greenwald Scholarship Fund please click here.
Please include Greenwald Fund as the designation.
by wigley | May 17, 2023 | Faculty

Professor Emeritus Charles Wigley was named a Distinguished Research Fellow by the Eastern Communication Association at its 114th annual convention. Award presenter Dr. Jordan Atkinson highlighted that one of Wigley’s coauthored articles has been cited over “eleven hundred times.” Committee members considered his research record and overall contributions to the organization, the wide impact of his research on verbal aggressiveness, the use of his academic research on jury selection by law firms in the United States and England, and his conceptual articles on the proper use of some complex statistical protocols.
by Linda Walleshauser | May 17, 2023 | Faculty
Congratulations to the following members of our campus community who have completed the first cohort of our Leadership Development Program offered through Career Partners International. This six week session focused on key development areas including:
Understanding the role of people leader, building communication skills, building trust and coaching for success, situational leadership and conflict resolution, time management and work life balance.
Stephanie Masood-Marketing Project Manager
Jennifer LaVoie-Assistant Director, Admissions Processing
Matt Kwiatkowski-Assistant Director, Undergraduate Admissions
Lauren Kicak-Associate Director, Graduate Admissions
Matt Kochun-Library Access Services Coordinator
Ryan Grimmer-Library Collection and Discovery Services Coordinator
Mary Braun-Employment Manager
Dawn Rotterman-HRIS/Benefits Manager
Larry Tassini-Laboratory Manager
Matt Reitnour-Associate Athletic Director
Pat Clarke—Director, Athletic Facilities
Steve Ziroli-Assistant Athletic Director of Compliance
Kristen Saviola-Associate Athletic Trainer
Monika McFoy-Associate Director, Support Services
Bennie Williams-Director & Assistant Dean, Multicultural Center
Jason Francey-Director of Student Engagement
Tracie Barletta-Director of Student Health
Kim Beaty-Director of Public Safety
Matt Mulville-Assistant VP, Student Life
Mark Piatkowski-Associate Director
Michele Folsom-Director, Administrative Computing
Joe Snodgrass-Director, Facilities Management
Eileen Tally-Student Accounts Supervisor
Lisa Fischer-Assistant Director & Registrar
Maggie Burkard-Academic Affairs Support Manager
Mark Gallimore, Director, COLI
Julie Marzolf, Executive Associate
We will continue to expand our professional development program and will share additional information regarding other programs that will be offered through Career Partners International in 2023! Thank you to our facilitator, Lindsey Zajac, for sharing her expertise.
by Josephine Feary | May 17, 2023 | Faculty
As we approach the end of our 22-23 fiscal year, here is some important information from the Controller’s Office for the campus community to keep in mind:
•All requisitions are to be submitted by the end of business day on Monday May 15, 2023 to allow for sufficient approval and processing time. Related invoices should be submitted as soon as possible.
Visa/Center Suite
•All VISA charges posted to the bank by 5/31/23 will be charged to the 22-23 budget.•Any charges that post AFTER 5/31/23 will be charged to the 23-24 budget.oPlease note that it can take up to 1-7 business days for charges to post.
AP Checks
•All invoices and check requests are to be submitted by end of day on Thursday May 25, 2023 to allow for sufficient approval and processing time. AP checks will be issued on Tuesday May 30, 2023.
Please contact Accounts Payable at 888-8525 with any questions.
Submitted by: Controller’s Office