by browkaa | Nov 3, 2021 | Faculty
Of all the difficult decisions that get made every day at Canisius, perhaps none was more frightening than deciding on a winner of the 2021 Halloween Costume Contest. As reported in Monday’s edition of The Dome, the Department of Physician Assistant Studies won the coveted pizza party for its collective costume featuring “101 Dalmatians.”
But we just couldn’t get the efforts of the Student Records and Financial Services Office out of our mind. The team ‘dressed up’ as a Buffalo Bills tailgate party complete with red, white and blue Zubaz and jerseys that paid homage to Bills’ quarterbacks, past and present. Under their easy-up tent was an ongoing game of corn hole and a buffet of Buffalo’s best fare. (Fortunately, the group refrained from the slamming of any folding tables… )
With so many putting in such a scary-good effort, the Human Resources Department is doing what is only fair …. It’s awarding a second pizza party to the Student Records and Financial Services Office.
Certainly, this year’s competition was well-matched and it proved that there are a whole lot of creative minds on campus. Now we can’t wait to see what happens next year …
Submitted by: College Communications
by Jennifer Lodi-Smith | Nov 3, 2021 | Faculty
A reminder to join in two casual lunch meetup groups that came out of the Summer Faculty Development week! We also have asynchronous resources to support your faculty development needs during the semester and look forward to seeing you at faculty development sessions during the winter intersession.
Lunch Meetup Groups in the Newly Revamped Faculty Lounge:
Join with your colleagues for conversation and connection over lunch in the faculty lounge. Lunch will be provided from a variety of local restaurants throughout the semester. Please click here to RSVP for some or all of the lunch groups this semester. Note that because lunch is provided, this event is only open to vaccinated individuals.
- Inclusive teaching. Join in conversation about general strategies from grading to open education resources to supporting individual students. Meets at 12:00 p.m. on the following Mondays: November 6, (11/8) and December 6 (12/6).
- Scholarship and writing. Come together to support and commiserate about any form of academic writing and think longingly of future writing retreats! Meets at 12:00 p.m. on the following Mondays: November 22, (11/2) and December 13, (12/13).
Thanks to those colleagues who suggested faculty meetup groups for two topics!
Asynchronous Resources:
Winter Intercession Development Opportunities:
Pencil in the dates! The first week of January, we will enjoy a scholarship-focused week with a day focused on faculty scholarship resources followed by a multi-day on campus writing retreat to help you kick off the year strong. The second week of January, get ready for Winter Faculty Development Week with a focus on inclusive and innovative teaching strategies. Stay tuned to your email, The Dome, and weekly COLI updates for more information!
If you have other suggestions for faculty development opportunities, please do not hesitate to reach out to Jenn Lodi-Smith, assistant vice president for academic affairs, at
Submitted by: Jennifer Lodi-Smith, AVPAA and professor, Psychology
by Paola Fajardo-Heyward | Nov 3, 2021 | Faculty
On Thursday, November 4, the International Relations Program will welcome 200 students from 15 area high schools to campus for the 43rd Annual High School Model United Nations Conference. Student delegates will represent countries from around the world to discuss, debate and attempt to formulate resolutions on pressing issues of the day, including but not limited to the conflict in Ethiopia, women’s rights in Latin America, access to Covid vaccines across the world, and the internet as a human right.
The conference features four concurrent simulated sessions of international deliberative bodies including the United Nations Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, and the Human Rights Council, as well as a historic simulation of the UN Security Council. A volunteer staff of members of Canisius College will moderate and adjudicate the proceedings, which challenge participants to learn rules of parliamentary procedure as well as information about specific countries’ positions on controversial international issues. Our volunteer staff is largely drawn from our student club, the Model UN Diplomacy Organization (MUNDO).
Please take special care when driving near Montante Cultural Center and the Student Center between the hours of 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. as there may be student delegates and school buses present in these areas. I thank you in advance for showing that warm Canisius College hospitality to our guests.
The International Relations Program also thanks the Canisius College staff (including events management, public safety, dining services, admissions, and especially Rachel Lapinski of the Political Science Department and the work-study students there) and our hardworking college volunteers for making this stimulating and educational experience possible for our guests.
Submitted by: Paola Fajardo-Heyward, PhD, associate professor and chair, Chair Political Science
by Bethany Voorhees | Nov 3, 2021 | Faculty
With Covid-19 continuing to be a concern, it can be very confusing and stressful if you start to develop any respiratory symptoms. This short read from Independent Health Association provides some clarity on figuring out whether you might have a cold, the flu, or Covid-19. In addition to listing some wellness tips for each, the article also notes the importance of getting vaccinated. To find out what is best for you, please make sure to consult your physician first.
Submitted by: Bethany Voorhees, executive associate, President’s Office
by Bethany Voorhees | Nov 3, 2021 | Faculty
Get your finances in check with the help of the above webinars offered by TIAA for the month of November.
Take a look at the list for days, times and how to register to attend. Click here to get started!
Submitted by: Bethany Voorhees, executive associate, President’s Office