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If you are looking to submit a concern for a student, please know that the tab name in iAdvise has changed from SOC/SSR to Student Concerns.

Once a faculty or staff member selects Student Concerns, there is a drop down list where you can choose the form you wish to complete. Select either Create Behavioral Concern or Create Academic Concern.

What constitutes a behavioral concern?
Concerns about behavior can include but are not limited to:

  •  Excessive absences
  •  Significant decline in work/participation
  •  Changes in behavior/mood/personal hygiene
  •  Self-reported personal/medical/family issues

For more extensive information regarding the possible reasons to submit a behavioral concern, please review the guidelines provided in the Create Behavioral Concern tab.
All behavioral concerns will be routed to Jennifer Herrmann, associate dean in the Griff Center, for a response and action plan.

What constitutes an academic concern?
Concerns about academic issues can include but are not limited to:
•          Poor attendance
•          Missing assignments
•          Lack of engagement
•          Missing textbooks
•          Repeated tardiness

If a student has not responded to your outreach attempts to address these issues, please create an academic concern report.

All academic concerns will be routed to appropriate staff on campus for the particular student.  For example, athletes will be routed to the athletic academic liaison; international students will be routed to the director of international students and study abroad; probation students will be routed to the appropriate associate dean, etc.

For more extensive information regarding the possible reasons to submit an academic concern, please review the guidelines provided in the Create Academic Concern tab.

Submitted by:  Tracy Callaghan, associate director, Griff Center for Student Success