by browkaa | Dec 6, 2019 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff
The Canisius Fund team hosted a Cookies and Cocoa Social on Monday, December 2 as a special thank you to faculty and staff who have supported the 2019-20 Faculty and Staff Giving Campaign or made a gift on the college’s 4th annual Giving Day.
Sweet treats and conversation were enjoyed by all and kicked off the holiday season! View a photo gallery from the event below.
It is not too late to support the 2019-20 Faculty and Staff Giving Campaign – make your gift to Canisius Fund 150 during this momentous time in Canisius’ history! Simply click here or call the Canisius Fund Office at (716) 888-2712 to make your gift!
Mark Gallimore, director, Center for Online Learning & Innovation
Sarah Signorino, director, Mission and Identity
Ginny Dadaian, director, Stewardship
Submitted by: Matt Gorczyca, assistant director, Canisius Fund
by browkaa | Dec 6, 2019 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff

Daily Mass will take place during finals week from Monday, December 9 – Friday, December 13 at 12:05 p.m. in Loyola Hall Chapel.
Other resources for Advent may be found by clicking here.
Submitted by: Rev. Patrick Lynch, SJ, professor emeritus, Religious Studies & Theology
by ryann | Dec 6, 2019 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff
The Office of the President welcomes all campus faculty and
staff and their families to the annual Breakfast with Santa event on Saturday,
December 14 at 10:00 a.m. in the Student Center Dining Hall. The morning
includes a full breakfast, photos with Santa, arts and crafts, cookie
decorating and a holiday performance by Sydnie Perkins, assistant director of
communications, virtual engagement and data for alumni engagement.
The cost is $15 per person (ages 13 and older) and $7 for
children 12 and under. To register and pay online, click here.
Submitted by: College Communications
by browkaa | Dec 6, 2019 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff
Winter break hours will be in effect beginning Monday, December 16 through January 10. Hours will be from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. with a 30-minute meal break. Adjustments in hours may be made where services and needs require different operating hours.
Please remember that the campus has an opportunity to comment on proposed changes to the general hours of work policy in the Canisius College Policy Manual. The proposed changes are available online here.
As President Hurley reported in his November 25 email, the college’s Employee Engagement Team has made some recommendations about the college’s hours of work policy, including:
- Revise the standard business office hours to 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. year-round. Presently, this schedule is offered during the summer and winter months and is preferred by many.
- Reduce the lunch period from one hour to 30 minutes. The one hour lunch was reported as occasionally problematic for departments with limited coverage, and was considered longer than necessary, as many staff members reported that they typically do not like to leave campus during lunch.
- Continue to provide departments the flexibility they need to meet the needs of students and the college. Certain departments may remain open until 5:00 p.m. by offering of a schedule rotation for coverage.
The college’s Senior Leadership Team is supportive of the recommendations and welcomes the campus’ feedback. The campus has 60 days to comment on the proposed changes. If approved, the changes will become effective January 13, 2020. Please contact the Office of Human Resources at Ext. 2244 with any questions.
Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season!
Submitted by: Linda M. Walleshauser, associate vice president, Human Resources and Compliance
by browkaa | Dec 6, 2019 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff

Celebrate the spirit of the holidays with colleagues at the Annual Christmas Mass and Luncheon on Wednesday, December 18 at 11:30 a.m. in Christ the King Chapel. A luncheon will follow at 12:00 p.m. in the Economu Dining Hall.
Click here to view details and reply
Click here to add this event to your calendar.
Submitted by: Laura Montaro, executive associate, Office of the President