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New additions to the East West Community Garden this summer include a meditation garden, pollinator garden, a hummingbird feeder and several insect barns. An array of painted rocks will be added soon. New additions to the garden currently being installed include a new garden sign, a sharing library box and a bulletin board.

Insect Barn
Insect Barn
Hummingbird Feeder
Hummingbird Feeder

Feel free to visit the community garden, sit on a bench and quietly enjoy its beauty and peacefulness in nature.

Meditation Garden
Mediation Garden
Pollinator Garden
Pollinator Garden

If you are able to help with the installation of these new additions, please contact Veronica Serwacki, executive associate to the dean for the College of Arts and Sciences, at Ext. 2154 or at

Submitted by: Veronica Serwacki, executive associate to the dean, College of Arts and Sciences